Flies for creeks in SC Penna?



New member
Aug 12, 2009
On leave visiting this family, and am new to fly fishing in the area. what flies (dry or wet) would i be using for the next few weeks? I'm planning on going mostly to Muddy and Yellow Breeches. I have no idea what to expect for hatches around this time, as I have not been fly fishing in the area. all help is greatly appreciated!! :)
AF Flyfisher,
If you are fishing the Breeches the trico's are on in the morning and terristrials, ants (orange and black,wet and dry) hoppers, crickets and beetles are good.
Where are you , if we can hook up I can supply you with what you need even though it looks like you are AF vice Navy Air. (Just kidding, thanks for serving)

With the recent weather I'd stay away from Muddy unless you go early in the am. Water temps will be in the 70's early in the day and the bite will die around 9:00am.

If you really want to fish Muddy, look for a night time temps in the 50's. If you see this occurring, you may get a little more time onthe water.

I'd be fishing golden stones rolled inthe likely holding areas and dark buggers stripped and swung to cover water.

If the fishing extends into the afternoon some slate drakes may be coming off but don't count on fishing that late int he day.

You have another option too....Codorus Creek. Check the USGS gage though, we've had some rain in the area.

Good luck.

If you are free next week during the week, shoot me a PM and we may be able to show you around.

Count me in on that showing him around!

thanks guys. i'll send you some messages here in a bit. grandpa's takin me out friday, but i have most of the week open for now. i'll be taking a quick trip to Gander Mtn. today (2 minutes away) and see what they have. also need to get a 4wt rod while i'm there. SOmething tells me the 6/7wt rod i used for monster trophy trout is not gonna work on these streams :)

(Ask me for a pic of the 25"er i caught last Sept in Alaska, and i may have to host a picture)
Well the black and orange ant (dry foam), hopper and a beetle pattern worked great for fallfish (i caught 19 from 3" to 16") but not a single trout took one. Grandpa caught 3 10"-13" trout on powerbait and a spinning rod setup. gonna look at getting out somewhere next week so i can get some tips and pointers :)