Flashback Materials



Jun 23, 2010
I've been using 2 strands of tinsel for flashbacks on my nymph ties. Any other material ideas for flashbacks?? Just looking for new ideas.
recently i found an old balloon in the basement, those shiny mirror like balloons and a gift bag of similar material, looks great for flashbacks....

I think the requirements are "shiny," and, well, that'll do it.. So if its shiny, feel free to have at it. I get all jungle damp for the pearlescent mylar myself.
Easter basket grass.

Ziplock bag.

Look in a discounted bin in most fly shops and you are bound to find something that you can use as flashback.
I like the spools of mylar. Once you get the approriate width for your needs a spool seems to last forver and provides a good consistent look. just pull off a piece, clip it and go.
Like TDB said Mylar spools are hard to beat
I've been using Easter Grass for a few years now. I have a lifetime supply.
I've always just used a single strand of pearl flashabou for these.
sniperfreak223 wrote:
I've always just used a single strand of pearl flashabou for these.

I use Diamond braid for flashbacks. The different colors are great, but my most used colors are pearl, black, and chartreuse. Heres a video of me tying my U.V. Diamond scud. I use diamond braid for the shell back.
