fixing guides?



Sep 9, 2006
my tfo pro has a loose snake guide and although it's not causing a problem i don't want the situation to grown worse and i don't think it's anything worse sending it back to tfo
any suggestions?
If the threads are in tact, you may be able to add a coat of epoxy sure it up. Other than that you;ll need to rewrap and recoat.
Chris - you might want to check with TFO before trying any repair work on the rod. Of course, they'll just tell you to send the rod to them, but they'd also tell you if could make a repair yourself without voiding the warranty. Better safe than sorry......Ed
If its under warranty, you're kind of stuck sending it back to TFO, although to be honest this is something that would take me 10 minutes and 25 cents of materials to repair. This would be a lot cheaper then sending in back to TFO. The ironic thing is that from what I've heard about TFO "repairs", they may just send you a whole new rod.
thanks for the info, since it's not really a problem i'll just keep it as is now but when the weather turns cold i'll send it back to tfo for a fix or replacement