Fishpond chest/backpack



Mar 6, 2011
Hello,i am looking for a new pack system and looking for any info. I had a vest,tore it. Lookin into the fishpond DOUBLE HAUL CHEST/BACKPACK . Has anyone ever used something like this? pros/cons. Thank you
The Double Haul was the way to go for me. I like being able to use the chest pack alone for most of my local fishing, but still have the option to link up the backpack if needed. Two or three fly boxes fit in the chestpack, depending on size of course, and the fold down foam holds most of what I'll need for a days fishing.
The backpack is expandable and if packed right will hold a rain jacket and a fleece sweater, lunch, water bottle and accessories.
The one thing I wish it had was a water bottle pocket on the side of the backpack. I'm able to squeeze one into one of the center pockets, but it's kinda hard to reach (I'm short, so you may not find this a problem). Or you could insert a hydration bladder as it has a compartment with slots for the drinking tube.
Let me know if you want any other info about it.

peace-tony c.
I have the chest pack part of the double haul... The wind walker, I love it and would probably never go back to a vest.
Thats great,thanks again guys. I think i might get one. I have been going on a decent amount of salmon river ny. trips. I always think,i'll come back to the truck to have lunch,then end up missing it. This way i shall be able to venture all day with my lunch/extras with me. Thanks for the help.
I have fishponds piney creek backpack/chestpack and i love it, the only real downside is sometimes i wish the chestpack had room for one more fly box(you can fit one decently sized fly box, and its got the fold down foam part that holds a decent amount of flies too.) The only reason this is an issue for me is i like to keep my flies organized-nymph box, dry fly box, streamer box etc. If you dont mind consolidating it is fantastic.
I have the Fishpond Waterdance Guide all Fishpond products that I have owned.