Fishing the Madison River around Cameron MT.



Oct 19, 2016
Water temp. High of 66* midday. Water nice green color. Running at 1600 out of Hebgen Dam......... Fished Westfork area yesterday morning and caught a 23" brown on a Golden Stone # 12 dry...... Today drifted from Lyons Bridge to Ruby Campground , 7 am - 5 pm.......My brother and I caught approx. 10 fish ea. on top.....Lost/ missed about the same number.......Biggest fish was a 20" bow on a # 18 Adams parachute.....Big bugs (salmon fly) just about over but the PMD are starting every morning like clockwork......Here for rest of July ......Hope the Jack Daniels holds out......( got to learn to pace myself) beautiful country, weather in low 90*s at midday .......Going to fish early and late is the gameplan.......Did I mention I hope the J.D. holds out ????????
Does it look like this there?
Yes, that's pretty awesome......good shots
Fishing has been the same last couple days....Been getting some mid/late afternoon storms w/ golf ball size hail ( hasn't dented anything yet) ...... Catching some nice rainbows and browns in the 18"-22" class.....on x-caddis and emerging caddis #18's ....In the morning there are hatches of PMD's but not a lot of risers, hopefully that starts to change in the next few days!!!!!! FIRST TIME OBSERVED ON THE MADISON.......... Some yupped upped first class brand name wearing RICHARD CRANIUM had brought a folding aluminum chair down to stream side ??????? I don't know if he did that to reserve "his spot" or sit his lazy arse down while fishing ??????? But I've been coming here since "82" and that's the first time I seen that !!!!! Didn't confront the guy ( didn't want to ruin his MT. experience) but I sure was tempted to go sit in that cheap arse 80's type aluminum chair and crush the crap out of it........ By the way the guys car had CALIFORNICATION plates ...........Figures.......
Not a bad place to sit and take in the view .... kinda dont blame him
Have had good action on PMD's around Varney Bridge. It's easy dry fishing on the right side channel of island below the bridge, no large fish - caught large fish on left side in deep hole on bend on nymphs for several weeks the summer of 2015
I've fished above bridge never below will check it out and let you know was' up....Thanks for the tip !!!!!!!!!!!!!