Fishing the Hataches with Dries or Emergers



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Good video with some tips on how to rig, select flies and techniques used for fishing rising trout.

Pretty informative for us part-time trout fishers. It does kind of kill me though how many of Tom's video's are filmed in streams where the fish are visibl. Almost a hundred percent of the trout I catch are not visible. I fish likely locations in murky water and it often produces for me. They're stockies and a whole lot easier to catch than what Rosenbauer is catching.
Baron wrote:
Pretty informative for us part-time trout fishers. It does kind of kill me though how many of Tom's video's are filmed in streams where the fish are visibl. Almost a hundred percent of the trout I catch are not visible. I fish likely locations in murky water and it often produces for me. They're stockies and a whole lot easier to catch than what Rosenbauer is catching.

Not really true about easy trout fishin in PA except for fresh stockies.
Not to talk smack about Tom Rosenbauer, in fact he's my favorite FFing author and expert, plus I know him pretty well and he's a real nice guy for real, but many of his videos are from trips out-west where the rivers are loaded with unpressured trout and a lot easier to catch than in most PA streams. Some of the fishing was for western cutties, famed for being gullible. Plus the last video before this one that I posted from him was filmed in Labrador where the brookies long as your arm were migrating and hitting nearly every cast (that's according to him!).

I believe it's true when it's said if you are consistently successful catching trout in PA, you have the skill to catch trout anywhere.
I've learned more from his videos than anyones. Very well ordered in terms of explaining the goal, tools at hand, how to use those tools in order to succeed. Amazing.

"Not really true about easy trout fishin in PA except for fresh stockies."

I agree.

I believe it's true when it's said if you are consistently successful catching trout in PA, you have the skill to catch trout anywhere.[/quote]

This may will be. Nevertheless many trout videos I watch start with the premise that you can see the fish you're trying to catch. It may be so in summer but in spring the streams where I fish for trout are turbulent and I don't think I've ever caught a trout that I saw.
I really like where he talks about changing up on tippet and flies.