Fishing Hurts



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
What is with the link at the top of some of the forum pages?!?!
It is a web site that bashes fishing and demoralizes what we do. How did that site land a spot on this one?
Google ads are place in an areas of the website. There are not a lot of controls on who attempts to advertise in those spots. The are very random. This has happened before and I think the ads you are talking about are PETA Ads. Which is ironic for this site and any other fishing sites.

They are usually seasonal and you will probably find them on many angling sites right now who use Google ads to help cover costs. I can assure you PETA is not a sponsor of this site.

I prefer to think about conservation and preserving habitat myself. I don't get and never will understand their concept of animal preservation. I have read to many articles that paint a very different story about the group.

Thanks for clearing that up Dave. Interesting links about peta.
I like peta....isn't that the club for People Eating Tasty Animals? ;-)
Well after reading that article I'm giving up fishing. Because, you know, "fish have feelings, too."
Can anyone tell me how to tie a basset hound fly? I heard they put up a fight like you wouldn't believe.
On college campus, I run into the Peta types every now and then. To this day, they have never riddled me this:

If it hurts, why do the fish go the other way when you hook them? You put a hook through my cheek and tow me around and I'd follow you through hell. Every now and then I just want to grab them by the ear and yank em around to illustrate my point.

The fish clearly feel pressure and experience a fight or flight instinct.... very similar to being put in a headlock is how I think of it. Nothing more, nothing less. If you take care of the fish and are responsible, it shouldn't be an issue.
I know they have bug some of us fly anglers in the past. My guess it was about 3-4 years ago they bored and figured they would come to PA. Someone on the board had some story about having a problem with them around Penn State one time.

When they jump out during deer season that gets a little nutty.