Fishing buddies



Active member
Dec 29, 2006

My dog has taught me as much as I ever taught her. Hers is an unconditional love and she sits on my lap as I type this. I've had her since she was a pup and though she will listen to other folks, when I'm around she will ONLY do what I say and ignore others. Shes as loyal as they say.

Since being re-united with my family it seems that everyone has fallen in love with her and are quick to tell me she is considered part of the family.
Relentless to play, she pretty much wore out Nomorecornchuckin' on this evening.

It seems we've developed the "I go, you go" approach to life as more often than not if you see me, you will see Chick.
Even in the middle of the Susquehanna at 11:00 at night during the white flies.

Dont get me wrong, shes a dog and has her faults. Fortunatley my friend here was able to laugh about this and remind me of how dogs are a good judge of character.

This dog cant wait to get to the woods with me. Shes gathered many ticks in her day and rolled in everything from muskrat dookie to rotting salmon along the Salmon river in New York. (Oh God what a heinous, putrid odor)
But everyday when I get home theres a little face at the bottom of the sidelight on the front door looking out at me. The tail is always going out of control with happiness as she greets me and can sometimes brighten my day when nothing else does.
I know this is pretty much just a tribute to my dog but I figure I cant be the only dog lover on this board and maybe someone else might have a shot of their dog.
Plus she deserves it.
Great pics and wonderful dog. I have 2 labs and I don't know what I would do without them. I actually found them on a fishing trip. My wife and I came across them on state game lands along Laurel Run a few days after hurricane Ivan. Hence there names, Laurel and Ivan. The female, a yellow lab mix, was dragging a 20 foot chain with an embeded collar and ribs showing. The male, looks to be pure breed black lab, was only bout 5 months and fat as can be. Later we found that his stomach was full of worms and not food.

The female was very skittish and obviosly beaten. She was very scared of men with hats and would freak out if you take your belt off. They came right up to us and I put them in the back of the car. I stopped at 3 houses on the way out and no one recognized the dogs. Not like I would have let the owner have them back anyways.

Well, thousands of dollars later I have myself 2 wonderful dogs. They love people, are somewhat well behaved, and are great with my newborn. They even came on our honeymoon to the smokies.


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And belive "spongedan squaretail". I've fished with that dog on Stoney this past summer. Great little fishing partner.
That Chickie really is a gem! My wife and kids and I ALL fell in love with her. I wish I had the room for one of her pups. I have seen the love and affection Squaretail gives to Chick passed along to her babies. I truly believe that a Dog's charater is a direct reflection of the person who loves them the most, not their "Master" or "Owner" but in Dan's case, their "Daddy". You're the best, Dan!
Great pictures of all dogs! That's awesome NMCC that Chick goes with you fishing. There's nothing like seeing a wagging tail and a happy face of a dog when you get home from a bad day at work.

MattD that's awesome that you provided the two dogs a good home. Kudos to you for getting them healthy and giving them a good place to live.
Thanks for the pics MattD. Thats a pretty cool story of how you got them as well. Well done. They sure look happy.
Like I've mentioned in another post on here, pertaining to dogs... "Being a dog breeder, posts like these, really catch my eye"!
Kudos to all of you, that have posted not only the pictures of your "Fur Kids", but also for relaying what they mean to you as family members and companions.
"Peetie", my Cairn Terrier, is my fishing companion on the stream AND in the pontoon boat. From his custom built seat, located behind mine, on "his" boat, he's become a real "back seat rower" when we're on the water. "Watch that rock!"... "Left! Left!, NO! Right!, Right!" etc.
He also has a really fun time "critiquing my casting, choice of flies and when we're "skunked" on any given day, he'll tell me "All the reasons why and what I did wrong", on the ride home.
He's only, 15# pounds, but he THINKS and ACTS, like he's 300# and totally fearless! But, he also loves everyone he meets, likes cats and any dog he encounters, is his "newest-best friend". In fact, his "real" best friend, is Henry Hoffman's 137 pound white German Shepherd!
With his own life jacket, a shade apron over his boat seat and his "welcome bark" to everyone we pass, while floating down a river, he really draws a lot of smiles and waves from fellow fishermen.
He never wanders more than ten feet from me and I never allow him to bother others. I, figure, "I brought him along, to fish with ME, not for others to be bothered by him". That and I don't want him stolen and not, everyone, is a dog lover.