Fishes of Pennsylvania - Stauffer, Criswell, and Fischer



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
Anyone had a chance to look at this?

Wondering how it compares to Edwin Cooper's book of a similar name and whether it's worth the $50 that is being asked of it.
I had Jay as a professor. I also assisted on some of his grad student projects, as well as collected specimens for the fish museum. To say he knows ichthyology is putting it mildly.

I haven't seen this book yet. I do have his book on nymphs, and it's worth it, so I'll add this book to my collection as well.
I received this book as a gift yesterday. I must say it's well worth the money to me.

It gives a history of ichthyology in PA, the travel path through glaciation of native fishes, the differences in geology and the different drainages, and then detailed species accounts of both introduced and native fishes of PA.
Like BChaser, I received the book as a Christmas gift. It appears that it will be a fine reference book about PA's fishes.
Looks like a winner - will have to take a look at it.