Fished Stony Today - 12-10-06



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Fished stony creek again today, except it wasnt like usual. It was alot warmer then usual, like 15-20 degrees. Also the sun was shining and the whole water was lit up. So shadows were easy to make. tHe difference that i seen today was the school of trout were in a shallow Sunny part of the water, instead of the usual Dark deep hole. Also they were more spooky, im assuming because of the sun light water? My marble sized foam indicator sent them rocketing after it landed. Although even with them darting here and there, i managed to catch 1 and miss 3 sets within about 20minutes. I also saw little white flies flying around the stream, dunno what they were.
The little white flies were probably midges. And they may not have been white. You probably were seeing sunlight glinting off their wings. If you check the slack water, you can sometimes find the pupae hanging just below the surface. Then you'll have a guess as to what color to use.

I'm thinking the trout were hanging out in the sun to get the benefit of the warmth. This can make them spooky though. A dry and a dropper would be a more effective combo in the pools. You'd still have to give them a big lead though, as even a little line splash can scare spooky trout.
Padraic wrote:
I'm thinking the trout were hanging out in the sun to get the benefit of the warmth. This can make them spooky though. A dry and a dropper would be a more effective combo in the pools. You'd still have to give them a big lead though, as even a little line splash can scare spooky trout.

Mute, what Pad says here is spot on. You only get one chance. Provided the trout have not been spooked. Figure out a way to get your fly and drift far enough out in front of the first or lead trout as to not spook it. And make a few drifts through the group using a dropper with skinny tippet. 12"-18" should do it. Maybe a micro shot. This is sight fishing at its best. You are not going to have time to see if the indicator fly moves, as the trout will spit the dropper befor that happens. You will have to go with your eyes watching the pod when the dry fly is over head. and look for a sudden movement toward the dropper. Then gently pick up the rod to 12:00. This will not (or should not) spook the trout.

Probably be best to approach the pod from behind and at at an angle. Work on the outter edge trout first so you don't spook the whole pool.

This can be fun and challenging fishing. Usually leaves you humbled but now and then you can yank a couple by the neck.

You should get another chance today...gonna be 56 here in York. Now ya have me baited...I'm goin fishin.
