Fish ON!!!!



Nov 7, 2006
Just curious and wanted to see something a little less serious on the board.

Whats the first thing you say when you hook a fish?
I either go with "Thar heeee is!" or "Fish Ooowwwn" in a twangy southern accent.

How bout the rest of you?
i usually say "Yes" silently to myself, and i haev like a half second of excitement run through me when i feel the fish pull after i set.
I think I have about the same reaction as Mute, but if it's a tough fish that I've been working on, I usually let out an involuntary half-out-loud "GOT 'IM!"

One odd thing I've noticed is that after I release a fish, I often have to think hard about what the take looked like (with a dry fly). I know I clearly saw it happen, but it's like I'm so caught up in the moment and it happens so fast that I lose the image. I've always wondered if this happens to anybody else?
" Not another one " :lol:
LOL bruno, your right, what was i thinking. Let me rephrase my statement. What i was trying to say was, "Jeeze another one so soon, Why am i sooo good!"
For me it's either "finally!" or if the fishin'd good..." This game's easy!"

Mine is more like Mo's. I usually say. " its about freakin' time..."
I like "hot diggity dog!" But usually, if I am with someone, I'll call out "there's one" or "got one." While steelheading you better say something like "Fish On," or it won't be for long.
Usually, nothing when I connect... Now, when I miss, it's a different story... and it's quite a vulgar one.

For salmon or anything big or exotic, I usually just hoot like an idiot when I hook up.

Also, when fishing over an absolute monster for hours, I'll usually yell the fly he finally took at the top of my lungs to my friends.


It feels good.
If I am with someone less experianced than me or am on new or marginal water I will announce the first fish just so they know that the trout are there.

I generally am silent after that. Even for Steelhead I must tell my self to announch "Fish on".
The first one of the day, or the first one after a period of inactivity is always "there we go". In the subsequential catches the shout outs range from a Borat like "Niiiice" to a loud "I got me a Pig right here" in my best southern twang.

However, in my head, there are totally different phrases that repeat. When they take the fly All I can think is "Up and back, up and back". Once the hook is set its "show 'em your butt" or sometimes I will channel the Joe Humphries "Siiiiide pressure" and when the fish gets close "I wanna show you this one" (another Joe humphries).
Lately, I've been yawning when I hook up.

I've spent the last 7 years looking for a mediocre trout stream out here and I'm just about at wits end....:)

Well, not quite..

To be truthful, I usually go Ahhhoo! Which is Seneca for "what a time for my nose to start itching.."
I like to alternate between Woo Hoo! and Yee Hah!

Its all about the adrenelin rush of the take!
I forgot one...When I'm fishing with someone and they are within sight..I like to give a good...."Whoop" to let them know I got another...especially if its my brother. :lol:
When I'm by myself, I say nothing, at least that I'm aware of. Within earshot of my buddy, its either feeeeeesh! or, if it's a nice one, tu-na, tu-na, tu-na!
Now that was a STUPID fish!!

I say "114." :)
More than anything else, I generally say, "Thank you".
I like to say "GOT HIM ONNN!!!!" with a little southern twang..... :hammer:
Thanks alot CaptMatt. I never gave it much thought, but now that you asked, I am going to be self conscious the next couple time out.

I don't think I say anything. If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around, does it make a sound?

Seriously, I just smile and don't say a thing. That is, unless my little brother is around, then I have to let him know. He does the same, and usually more often.