fish not getting hooked



Active member
Jul 24, 2023
i was fishing today, with a hopper dropper rig. i lost more fish today than i caught, i watched them attack the hopper and never take it or get hooked. couple of times i tried pull the line in to see if they got hooked, but nothing. whats happening and what am i doing wrong?
If you were using an actual hopper, I would say downsizing to a smaller dry fly like a high floating Adams, smaller stimulator, or a elk hair caddis might have solved the problem.

Even if you continued using the dropper below, you'd be surprised how much weight a traditional dry fly can suspend (y)
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If you were using an actual hopper, I would say downsizing to a smaller dry fly like a high floating Adams, smaller stimulator, or a elk hair caddis might have solved the problem.

Even if you continued using the dropper below, you'd be surprised how much weight a traditional dry fly can suspend (y)
i was fishing today, with a hopper dropper rig. i lost more fish today than i caught, i watched them attack the hopper and never take it or get hooked. couple of times i tried pull the line in to see if they got hooked, but nothing. whats happening and what am i doing wrong?
You may not be doing anything wrong. I've often fished a hopper/dropper rig, usually with a Chubby Chernobyl style "hopper" in a couple different sizes with various nymphs underneath. I hardly ever have fish hit the CC/hopper, they heavily favor the nymph below. I think in the last few years I've had one fish hooked on the hopper and a handful more hit it.

I'm terrible fishing dry flies - hard for me to see, poor drift control, etc. - and usually miss about 3/4 of the fish that do hit my dry. When they're not hitting stuff all around it but ignoring my offering. And I enjoy fishing indicator/hopper/dropper and streamer rigs.
i was fishing today, with a hopper dropper rig. i lost more fish today than i caught, i watched them attack the hopper and never take it or get hooked. couple of times i tried pull the line in to see if they got hooked, but nothing. whats happening and what am i doing wrong?
This happens alot with hoppers, especially bigger ones. They are alot of fun to fish, the takes are awesome but the hookup rates are lower than smaller flies.
Guys are probably right about it just being normal, but make sure your hookpoint isn't rolled. I keep a hook file in my vest and if you make it a point to check your hooks you would be suprised how often the points are rolled or dull.