first try at a realistic looking fly



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
My first try. I need to try and find a better leg material. I do not want to use any premade leg. I tried tying turkey feathers but that was not the most fun. I had also thought about using vinyl ribbing as well. I will be tweaking this fly a lot. I will use a brown marker instead of black. A lot i can do but not a bad place to start. Hope to post a success pic with it soon. I will be ticked if I get snagged.


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It only needs a little tweeking, shorter legs, tail, and antennae is about all. But it will catch fish.
Nice looking fly Mike! I really like the coloring effects. Brown Maxima bent with hot tweezers makes nice legs. But given the likelyhood of getting snagged, phesant tail makes nice legs too.

Carefull Mike, one can become quite obsessed where you tread... Nice lookin stone.
Two thumbs up!

You'll hear, from time to time, that tying flies like this is of no use - they don't catch fish well or are too time consuming etc. Maybe so, but I'd argue that folks with this view are misguided. I suppose I can understand that point of view but, speaking personally, I certainly can't relate to it. Fly tying is so much more than just maintenance. I can't imagine fly tying without the creative and artistic exploration dimension. Exploring realistic nymphs, or classic salmon flies or streamers, really opens up a whole new artistic angle to the hobby. I'm also convinced that such efforts make one ultimately much better at tying more functional fly patterns as well.
Fishidiot i agree. I got enjoyment out of tying this fly. I mean we all know when we tie our classic patterns that you will catch fish on this but going out on your own to create something lifelike is a lot of fun. Digs you a bit deeper into our "hobby" I was however pretty bummed when my rainbow from the "Christmas bow" post took they fly it took me 2 minutes to tie and didn't even hit the "real looking bug" sometimes flies are just better at catching fisher man ;)

I really like the challenge of making a flie like this. It took me about minutes of game planning and about 15 to tie it. I was very upset when i tried to adjust tow of the legs and the knots came undone. Part of the learning process i guess.

Thanks for all of the compliments and insight guys. I hope to post a few more realistics soon. That is if I get some more time ;)