First try at a musky fly, HUMBLED

  • Thread starter mike_richardson
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Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Well after trying the articulated streamers I decide last night to try a musky fly. I just got done doing some size 16-12 stone flies, and wanted to give this a try.

First off if you ever think you are a good tyer, try one of these. They will set you back in your seat. LOL I just love how they look, and how much goes into them. I have talked to a few guys that tie them, and they are just down right beautiful. Mine however, not so much.

I watched a video on the process and decided to try it last night. The fly took my like 45 minutes to do, and only on the last bucktail section did I finally get a decent looking spin going on. I did use too thick of thread and had a lot of bulk and such.

These things are a lot of fun to tie, and are very humbling.

I have never caught a musky, let alone any toothy critter on fly gear. I have caught northerns, and pikeral before on spinning equipment.

My main goal for 2017 is to catch one toothy critter on something I came up with.

No clue what the style of this fly would be called, but I just had to keep reminding myself "Fur, Feather, Flash"

Was a lot of work, and I am pretty happy for my first attempt. Learned a lot and hope to get some material in to try some other colors and such.

Just a shock when you try one. LOL that was a 6/0 Hook, and I just got done doing size 16 nymphs. LOL

I really want to get good at these. Kind of like the guys that tie classic salmon flies and such. You may not use them that much, but just love how they look.


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They are fun to make. The ones I did I used more deer hair and less hackle but it doesn't matter what they look like it's how they swim. Still trying to get a musky on a fly myself. Good luck
That looks like it could be dynamite on bass as well as toothy critters. What size thread did you use? I probably would have grabbed a GSP or 140 denier so I could crank down on the deer hair and not have to worry much about breaking the thread.
I used vevus thread but it was too thick. you gotta watch with pike and musky as there teeth will shred the thread and the fly. I watch the video and how you tie in the bucktail and such protects the fly.

A lot of fun and definetly something that really makes you learn new skills.
That fly looks fine and is in keeping with the style most toothy guys use these days for muskie flies. It will definitely fish - whether it will catch a muskie depends more on persistence and a little bit of luck (whole lot more persistence!) But the fly is good.

It appears to be a single hook. You might try joining this fly to another similar one to get a double. My muskie flies tend to be in the smaller size range - about 6-9 inches - but are almost always doubles.

Believe me, a fly the size that you tied seems enormous to a trout fisherman, but 6-9 inches is on the small size for muskies. I like flies this size because they're easier to cast and, to be frank, draw more strikes from bass, which helps liven up the long hours (often days) between muskie strikes.

Keep in mind, studies of muskies reveal that they prefer to eat prey species that are close to one-third their body length(!). This means a 3 foot long muskie likes food nearly a foot long! I'd imagine that northern pike are similar.
You want big flies for your toothy quest.
nice tie Mike
Not too shabby at all!
Looks good Mike. I don't tie musky flys. But portions look good. Nice colors, looks like it would push some water.

Nice job,

Thanks guys. One thing I found is that I'm still somewhat in trout mode as this fly is oretty skinny. I learned a lot and may try another one this week. To put it blunt I am obsessed with these flies and think they are just wild. I'll be trying fish masks and such here as well, and getting in some Gomakatsu tying hooks. Going to be picking up some better material as well.
I did a second one last night, I added in some rubber legs on this one. The process was smoother with less thick thread. I did give the fly more bulk and added in a little more deer hair. The bucktail I have is junk so I am going to order in new longer stuff.

I also turned the 2 feathers in the back to an outer facing curve to help it cause more disturbance.

I am happy with the progression on these. Its not that they are hard, it is just new tying techniques that I have never really done.

But to say I am now addicted to these things is an understatement. LOL

I cant wait to get some fishmasks and such and really make them pop!



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