First trout on a fly I tied



New member
Mar 14, 2017
i recently got in to tying my own flies. I started with easy ones than tried some more complicated one and got completely discouraged... I took a 3 week break from tying, I honestly thought about giving it up for good... I headed out to the stream over the weekend and tied on one of the flies I tied... On my third cast I got a hit and had a perfect hook set. As I brought that fish in it finally hit me... that was one of my greatest moments fishing.. I've caught thousands of trout over the years but that one was definitely my best trophy. (Even though it was maybe 11" lol )

I can easily say I am completely hooked at tying my own flies now.. I just needed a little motivation


One of the best feeling in fly fishing. I still remember my first 50 years ago. It changed everything.

I also still very much remember the first time that I caught fish on my own flies. Nothing like it IMO
Really made me feel that I had finally arrived as a complete flyfisherman!
I still remember when that happened for me. It was an awesome feeling for sure. Congratulations
Very cool! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on the milestone!
Congratulations! I think you might have started something.
Uh oh! Now your gonna need a bigger house

Before you know it, you will be climbing over all of the tying materials that you can get your hands on.

Congratulations on your first fish on one of YOUR flies!!!

I too, remember my first... it is a feeling that you will never forget.

gotta admit can't remember that but do remember the first fish i ever caught [fallfish,sunnies] on flies were caught on hand tied flies from Wilmington sporting goods- 25 cents each bought with money selling night crawlers to my father- I think he was just being nice as he could have told me to get them for him for
Congrats! Save that fly and use it as a reminder of the moment.
I wish I could save it... on my very next cast I got snagged up and lost it.. I will also always remember that!
Zac0228 wrote:
I wish I could save it... on my very next cast I got snagged up and lost it.. I will also always remember that!

Same here I caught thousands of trout but when I got it on something I made it is more enjoyable. My flies that I actually catch fish on I will retire to keep the pattern. My first fly, I caught a couple trout on it and it also got snagged but for some reason I couldn't break the line. So in April I went for a swim and it was freezing but I still got my fly haha.
Congrats. Its definitely a great feeling and a milestone
Congratulations that first one is a great feeling. Hope to see you over on the fly tying forum.
Congrats! Beautiful fish, and great donation to the tree! :D

Here's to hoping I have a picture like yours to share this season too!

you might find that your catch rate increases as yo use buggier flies.all good fun!
Congratulations. Hopefully the first of many fly fishing milestones for you.