First trout nymphing



Jun 11, 2012
Picked this guy up thos morning off a copper john, that I tied to boot! It just all came together on the stream, as I went into this trip to work on my drifting and depth of fly. I been missing out....


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J55tyger88 wrote:
Picked this guy up thos morning off a copper john, that I tied to boot! It just all came together on the stream, as I went into this trip to work on my drifting and depth of fly. I been missing out....

Great! Don't you just love when that happens! Good job.
"I love it when a plan comes together."
That's a seriously nice fish for your first on a nymph.

Congratulations on a job well done!
Yeah i was definately surprised! Lifted my rod and thought i was snagged, then thought oh dang thats a fish! Made my day...
Nice fish Tyger.

Thanks guy!
Congrats Tyger. You're screwed now because getting back on the water will consume your thoughts! :-D
^ +1. I had a good Memorial Day weekend in NC PA and I am still consumed by the thought of returning before the end of a busy summer...

" Lifted my rod and thought i was snagged, then thought oh dang thats a fish! "

Yeah. That happens to me too... Now I just assume I have a fish instead of a snag.
Hey..... I told you that nymphing stuff works!!

Nice job.
Nice Fish!! Congrats!
my first nymphed fish was a brown also ha remember it like yesterday!!! that brown is what started my obsession haha good job tho
Just don't get too hooked by nymphing. I rarely fish the surface anymore even if there are risers, just not my thing.

Great job and welcome to tying. It is more addicting than flyfishing after a while. There is no better feeling that catching a trout on a fly you tied or created yourself. keep it up.
Thank you. I think this is why this sport is so alluring to me. All the new achievements you get after putting some time in. First trout, first on dry, streamer, nymphs etc...