First time out!



May 4, 2016
I got out for the first time with a pro guide this week! I decided I wanted to learn this the right way and not get into bad habits. It was the right decision for not ever having fly-fished.This all started when I lucked into some gear from a coworker. I have a 5wt 9'-0" Sage RPL rod, and put a Waterworks Lamson Liquid 2 reel on her (pic below).
We spent half the day in the classroom and half the day on the water. It was a truly educational, fun, and beautiful summer day, 6/14. I took a lot of notes because there's was a lot to take in, but in the end it is manageable.We fished Rip Rap Run on the Little Schukyll River in New Ringgold (pic below). We started with dry flies and no sooner do I cast for the first time, there's a very large trout going for the fly! I went after him for a bit, but backed off because I was not casting perfectly, just OK. We were using a size 14 olive green caddis (pic below). We did regular casting and roll casting and I learned how to get more line out and float it into some tough to reach spots. Very fun, and I ended up catching a small creek chub. Never did get that big boy, but then again, the bar would have been set way too high for my first time ever! Thrilling though.Flipped some rocks and noted yellow sulphurs crawling around.We moved to different spot with some faster riffles and slightly deeper water to use nymphs. I learned you can tie 2 nymphs in tandem and use a strike indicator. I used roll casting to scour this spot again and again, back and forth, round and round.It turns out I saved my best cast for last that day... came up with the first native brookie I have ever caught! On some flashback beadheaded nymphs!Can't wait to keep practicing in the yard and get back out there!
Great story. You're going about it the right way!
Welcome to the world of fly fishing, hold on because if it gets a grip on you it will never let go.
Nice job! Welcome to fly fishing and our online community.
Yes, I'm getting the bug... practicing casting in the backyard until I can get out on the streams again.
Fantastic Rod!!!!!! Enjoyed your post????