First Prince Nymph - Critique Appreciated


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
Montgomery County
Tied on a sz 12 nymph bead hook.

Is the collar too wide?

I tied the tail biots on one at a time. The biots seemed too far apart but the further back I wrapped the thread, the gap got wider. I don't understand the physics of that.

The hackle is a light brown but in the photo it looks white.

The white biot wings were easy but the one on the far side is sitting much higher than the one on the near side.

Any comments or advice will be appreciated.



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A great lookin tie for the first try, and looks well proportioned. Collar looks good to.
It does look good. And I think you are right, the collar looks a little wide for my liking.
Not bad. That will catch fish.
Bob, i think it looks good. Will definately fish. Nice tie!
Excellent tie!! Will definitely catch fish, but would lighten up on the collar a wee bit. Great job!!
not bad at all

i'd rather see the tail parallel to the hook shank

i like a wrapped hackle collar vs beard hackle

too much thread behind the bead
Thanks guys. I did another one. Got the tail straighter but the collar is still wide. Used dark olive hackle, don't have dark brown. Trimmed off the hackle sticking up on the far side. Tail still looks out of proportion to the hook sz.

I just need some more practice.


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I believe the Prince Nymph is not only a decent all-around general pattern, but it works well as an Isonychia nymph. That being said, I like your second tie with the darker collar. I also like the way the collar is splayed on your ties. Good job! May want to try a dark bead on some of them.
The thread is Veevus 8/0. It's nice thread. I forgot to mention I got some daylight light bulbs at Home Depot. Really helps taking pics.
Great flies! If I threw more prince nymphs(always forget about them) I wouldn't hesitate to tie one of those to my tippet any day.
You'll take fish with that no doubt...
Looks good Bob. Nice job on the pics as well. We will have to get you some better hackle for nymphs. You did a great job with the biot wings.

RCFetter wrote:
Thanks Mike. I have one of those Whiting 100 packs in brown - sz 12 that I could use.

Bob, I have some india hen that would work work well with those. Show you this week.

Been awhile since I've been here but I used to have problems with my collars also until I started my whip finish immediately after tying in the last material. 3-5 wraps on the biots than 3-4 turn whip finish and I was done. hope it helps