Never landed two carp in the same day before, but I was fortunate enough to do that yesterday morning. I had a couple hours to fish in the morning, before I was required to transport gifts home from a wedding shower. Where else, but warm water streams, do you have to turn to when you have an itch to scratch and only an hour and a half to do so. I was excited to fish a new run I came across 2 weekends ago. The second I was stream side I had two carp around 20" rooting around in 8" of water about 20' from me. They stuck their noses up at my offering and I had a feeling I was way to close given the low flow+extreme clarity. I looked downstream and saw a couple more feeding in the shallows. I decided I would benefit from a longer leader(12') and having more distance between me and the fish. I rocketed a 60' cast about 2 feet in front of the fish and 2 seconds later it was fish on. First carp of 2012, despite several other attempts. These fish can be such awesome fights, and very disappointing at other times. Crappy photo, and I dont know why I even put the rod in the photo, because I have it about a foot above the fish. I would guess it was about 20-21". Well, as is usual, playing one carp completely shut down the carp action. I still had over an hour left on the clock, so I stood still for 10-12 mins and was lucky enough to have a couple more move into the shallows to feed 60-80' downstream of me. I blew the cast and misjudged my distance to the fish and fell 6' short of my target. Lady luck gave me another opportunity and I had another on. This never happens for me, because the carp usually turn off for hours after they are spooked by one being caught. Now here is the funny part, this second fish has atleast 7lbs on the first fish, but he fought like a wet towel. Absolutely no runs. The fight was me dragging him into shallow water to beach him, and then he would put the pedal down and bend my 5wt in half. We repeated this process many times until I had enough and ran to pounce on him. I would have to look back through my pics, but I am sure this is my largest carp to date. Shame it didnt have any fight in him. Finished my outing out by sight casting hoppers onto crusing 12" smallies. What a productive outing.
One thing to note, this is the first time I presented a fly to a downstream carp. I think this might be my go to tactic from now on. You completely eliminate the chance of lining the fish, and you have a much better view of the feeding end--more importantly--it taking your fly.
One thing to note, this is the first time I presented a fly to a downstream carp. I think this might be my go to tactic from now on. You completely eliminate the chance of lining the fish, and you have a much better view of the feeding end--more importantly--it taking your fly.