First Largemouth on a fly



New member
Jun 17, 2013

I went back to SW PA this weekend to see my cousin graduate from high school. I made a quick stop at my Aunt and Uncle's pond before heading back home. I brought by 8 wt to try and fish for some bass in their pond. I had trapped muskrats in their pond before but never tried fishing it. I was catching a couple of smaller bluegill and small bass, but then I saw a pretty nice largemouth swimming around a weed bed. I rigged up a 2 fly set-up with a green woolly bugger in front of a white minnow pattern I tied. I lost sight of where the big bass was, so I placed a cast just passed the weed bed. I slowly stripped the tandem rig passed the weed bed. I saw the bass ease out from behind the weed bed and somewhat nonchalantly took the white minnow pattern. I set the hook and let him take some line. It was a good fight. He was returned to the water and swam away eagerly. That was my first decent largemouth on the fly. It was a great experience.
Whoo, son! (In a Jimmy Houston accent).
Nice bass! I caught my first bass on a fly rod last year, and even managed to catch and land a nice 4lb LMB on a 5wt rod last year. Just about as much fun as reeling in a steelhead on my 8wt.

The only other fish I've caught on a fly that even came close to the fight put up by the big bass and steelhead I've caught was a few weeks ago when I landed my first Northern Pike. It was more fun than the biggest bass, but I'm not entirely sure it wasn't due to the fact that it was my first pike on a fly or not.
You kissed it on the lips before you released right ?
That is a great looking fish. Congrats. Bass fishing is a blast. Been doing it for a long time.

Great job,

thanks yinz guys
Nice bass, way to go!
Jimmy Houston is definitely the one to kiss the bass before the release...and nice bass. I've always been jealous of pond owners. Many ponds are in bad shape management-wise for fishing, but I'd even like to have one of those. I've always lived close to great fishing waters but I still want a pond of my own that I can manage. LMB, Bluegill, and Channel Cats 3 fish that can be managed for a very successful fishing pond if they are living together.