First flies...yikes


Mar 13, 2014
In going through all the flies I will be sending out I came across 8 or so of the first flies I tied and would just like to give some confidence to those that are just tying their first flies. IT GETS BETTER...I couldn't catch a stocked trout out of a raceway with them...My flies now are starting to look as good or better than the ones I bought.

Moral of the story is...DON'T GIVE UP! If anyone would like a good laugh I could PM a picture of them but will save the embarrassment from all of you
You never stop learning and improving. That's what I love about fly tying. Even when the fish think your flies are good enough, they can be better.
Thanks for posting that PAbrookie, its an inspiration for us all!
I have certainly been humbled while tying new patterns all the time! Go from tying some soft hackles and hare's ear and then try an articulated sculpin pattern with spun deer hair and just watch your flying skills go out the window. But you conquer that and move on to the next. Never stop learning. At 20 years old I only wish I had half the knowledge some of the people on here do...
You couldn't catch a trout in the raceways with some fine orvis flies bud
I think Orvis has some good flies, some of their nymphs are Chintzy, but there dries and streamers seem to be great quality.