First Flies tied on my own



Dec 29, 2014
Well, I wanted to thank TDB for some of my tying materials he gave me and show you guys my ugly flies. Tied two zebra midges, a greenie weenie and two pheasant tails. First one pheasant tail gave me issues and doesn't have much for wings/legs (in the pic with all of them). The second one came out much better (pick in the vice by itself). So what do you think? Will they fish?


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id fish that zebra. For the PT the tail in a long. Ill usually do half the hook the hook length and imo you dont need legs. But if you do you are better using partridge fethers. Cutting the tip to make a v shape and pull it till its the right length. fish them regardless They'd probably catch fish.
The zebra looks like it will fish good. The pheasant tails, may need a little work. The pheasant tail's body looks good but they tail is too long. Measure the tail length by the length of the hook shank. Like marcq said, partridge feathers may be a little bit better but if you do use pheasant fibers for the legs, you want them coming out of the sides, not on top. Watch a few tying videos for pheasant tails and you should be good. For the green weenie, what material did you use? Normally you'll want to use chenille. Don't worry, after a few more you'll be good. Don't get discouraged.
Thanks guys, the tails im going to trim a bit on the pheasant tails, i thought they were a bit long but no matter how i tried i kept tying to much on (damn fat fingers). The greenie weenie is tied with chenille, but i haven't ever tied on such a small hook so it got a little crowded at the front. More practice needed. For the wings/legs on the PT how do you get it to come out more to the side? The video i watched had you push them back with your thumbnail then wrap them down and that was the best i could get. Any suggestions?
Shorten the tails on your PT nymphs. When you pull the barbules over to form the wing case you can separate them into two bunches (legs) then use your thread to bind them into place on the sides. If you work the thread between the two clumps once or twice on each side you can get them in position.

Must be the lighting because that doesn't look like chenille on your green weenie. Looks more like estaz or chenille with some sparkle added to it. Whatever material it is, the diameter looks too large for the hook size and length or it is not wrapped tight enough.

Keep trying. You're off to a good start.
For green weenies I always use vernille, a skinnier version of chenille.

There a lot of tricks for PTs regarding legs. Lately I have been tying pheasant tail fiber facing forward and then folding them back over the thorax and secure. The down side to this method is you have the get the leg length right at the beginning because you can't adjust them at the end. The upsides are that you have less bulk at the eye of the hook and it's really easy.
All great tips given above. Keep practicing - each fly will generally get better as you improve through the repetition of tying steps. Looking at the photo of your Zebra midge - which does look real good -BTW. Don't mount your hook so deep into the vise. Clamp it more out toward the bend of the hook. The vise should still hold it firmly and it will give you a lot more room to work with your thread when tying the rear portion of the fly. This may also help you in tying in those fibers for the tails on your PTs. Keep up the good work!
One thing that beginners have trouble with is tgread build up to. You flies look ok but alway watch out for it. It can turn a good fly into a useless one. The hook in the vise suggestion was a goo one to. Just deep enough to hold it so its not gonna pop out.
I'd fish the midges, for sure.

Watch that you don't start crowding the eye of the hook as you tie. I fight with that.

Don't be afraid to get out your razor and start over when you don't like the direction a fly is going on you.

Green Weenie sure has got some sparkle to it.

Keep plugging away.

If you can, come to the Newbie Jam. There will be some dang good tiers there and you can get some hands-on help.

Thanks for all the help. I did cut my first one off the hook because i was so paranoid of having it unwrap on me i put a knot or five in after ever single step. I started getting better with that but its all still new. Love doing it but i must say the most annoying part is threading the dang bobbin.....takes me forever haha. I will get on tying a few more this weekend and see if i can clean it up. Will also make some adjustments to my PT so the tail isn't so long.

djs12345, i should be up at the newbie jam this year. Since they moved it to a sunday i think i can attend because I normally don't have to work on sundays. Will you be heading up?
When tying any fly, it's best to have a fly to examine and use as a template. Also tying using a recipe which lists all the materials and hook is essential. If you do not have the actual fly, a pic of the fly you are tying works too. Good luck.


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Don't use the pheasant fibers on the wing case for the legs. Cut a new strip and tie them on the side. Ten times easier
ok, gonna take all this advice and try and tie some more this weekend (might be hard, the mother in law is visiting). Will post up those pics and pray i get some Wow, great fly haha. Thanks again for the help guys.
Just remember, the fish are final QC on your fly.
A fish will eat all of them. I usually keep the first few of each new pattern in a seperate altoid tin, just kind of thrown in where they bounce around. I use these "First runs" for sunnies, crappies, perch and the like. I just used some not so perfect nymphs to jig up crappies through the ice (I know ice fishing ain't fly fishing but its to cold to go fly fishing when you live in a warm water area) Trust me the panfish will tear them up. Keep it up they will get better in no time.
FlyForFun wrote:

djs12345, i should be up at the newbie jam this year. Since they moved it to a sunday i think i can attend because I normally don't have to work on sundays. Will you be heading up?

I'll be heading down from Northeast PA. I'll be doing a gear piece of the gathering. I may bring my vise along, but you should only watch me to see what not to do!
Hahaha, we can share our "what not to do" techniques.