First Fish!!!



Nov 10, 2012
A couple of "firsts" yesterday: First fish on the long rod and first creek smallie of 2013!
Size 8 BHWB...all white...swinging across and down a deep pool....she took at the bottom of the swing; before I started to strip.
The take was more of a mushy resistance than a HIT....but, there she was! A strong but lethargic fight. I was able to strip her all the way in. I imagine in another month or so this would have been a completely different fight!!
A real beauty: bronze/green/black.....very dark and very healthy looking...I love smallmouths. Released unharmed.
And so, success with the fly rod....must have been all the learning I got at the newbie jam!!! :-D :-D


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Nice job! Good looking fish. The water temps were starting to go up a bit but this extended period of colder weather may have set things back a little. The pre-spawn bite may be getting ready to kick into gear!
Well done. Look forward to more pics!
Good looking bass there. A few more degrees and they'll start waking up. Nice job.
That's a great first fish on the fly!
Congrats! Great First Fish!
Sweet. I'm still waiting for my first smallie of the year.