First fish on fly I tied



New member
Apr 6, 2010
This is my first post, however I have been reading on this forum for atleast a year now. I just wanted to share my first fish on a fly I tied. I have gotten a ton of helpful info from this forum so far, and can't wait to learn more. They are just stocked rainbows from my local DHALO area, but atleast its a start!


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Very nice. That's always a great feeling. I remember my first fish on my own dry. It starts the addiction and it only gets worse from there. But it's a fun ride!

Welcome officially to the site!!!
Congrats! Nice job - you'll never forget your first trout on a fly you tied.
Congratulations and welcome to the board. That's a very rewarding experience. That is only outdone IMHO by watching your buddy catch a fish on a fly that you tied.
Congrats and welcome. As everyone else has said you won't soon forget it. N jaybo i had my first fish on a fly i tied caught by somebody else the other day, and your right i think that was just as cool as the first i got myself.
Thanks everyone. I have been fly fishin for two years now, but just started tying about a month ago. My flies are pretty ugly but there starting to look better with the knowledge i have gained from this forum. I cant wait to catch my first one on a dry. Thanks again everyone
Tie some Griffith's Gnats, they're very productive and very easy to tie. I like mine tied on an 18-22 hook. Get the Whiting 100's and you're golden.
Thanks for the advice. I will give them a try, I still have a hard time tying small flies though. I have mostly been tying larger flies like buggers and larger size PT's and grhe's. I'm working on tying some smaller stuff though. Again thanks for the advice from everyone!

Oh yeah, I finnally got a good sized trout on one of my flies this afternoon, It was about a 16 in brown. That was really exciting for me!
Aint it one of the greatest things , congratulations , if you are like most of the great folks on here things will never be the same for you when it comes to fishing , welcome to the worlds most fun pursuit. Support the organizations that make this possible , like Trout Unlimited.