First Fish On a Fly I Tied



Sep 9, 2009
Well I have taken the next first fish on a fly I tied. Size 14 BHPT. It's small, but it's wild, and it counts!


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sweeeeeet.....good job!

Congrats! That little guy counts more than the next 10 put together :-D
good job , no turning back now !
good deal. a size 14 HE would have been a healthy meal for a fish that size :)

Good luck with the tying.
Just like that fish: your hooked.Really a great feeling when you fool a fish with a fly you tied. This ones for you.GG :pint:
There is no going back now. You will just have to tie more and different flies and catch more fish. It's a great feeling. Congrats!!
BAS- nice.

Have a suggestion- snip that fly off and put in a safe place or better yet get a nice hardcopy of your fish and put the fly and picture in a frame and keep it. Wont really cost alot if you get a cheap frame and hit Ritz camera. I wish I did that.

I have saved a couple flies once I thought enough to save a couple- reminds of those nice outings.
That's a good suggestion akid. I unfortunately caught my large smallmouth last year on a fly I didn't tie, but I kept it to hopefully incorporate it into my replica mount one of these days.