First dry trout



Apr 29, 2012
Hooked my first trout on a dry fly today. I saw him rise once and then could see him feeding under the water. I through a prince nymph and a hare's ear but he didn't take. I saw some bugs flying around that looked like sulphurs but had nothing to match it. Knowing that my grandfather uses almost exclusively adams all year long, I through one on. First cast was perfectly in line. he wasn't reacting as it got closer so I made it skitter across the water a little. He went right after it and slammed it. I usually let the fish fight until they are good and tired no matter how big they are, it is easier to get a picture. Fought him for about a minute when he shook the hook. It was still really cool to see him come up and hit the fly.

Also, I caught about a 13" brown in that hole yesterday on a san juan worm and saw something that I had not witnessed before then. He jumped. Now the hole that I am fishing is on a bend and used to be backed up by a beaver dam. The farmer removed the dam but the center of the hole is a good 7-8' deep. Needless to say, he got a good running start and got at least three feet of air. It was absolutely incredible. Got a pick of him but it is blurry because I was standing waist deep in water and trying to juggle the camera, the rod and the fish.

The turkeys haven't been cooperating but the fish sure have.
Congrats on your first trout on a dry. Just a little advice though. Do NOT play them until they are "good and tired". Get them in as quick as you can. They have ALOT better chance to survive if you play them quick.
Congratulations on the first on a dry! Something special about watching them take one off the top!

Hopefully that will be the first of many on the dry fly for you. Your grandfather knows what he is doing, the adams is a great fly to use. And i'm sure he has caught a good amount of trout on it.