First couple flies of the year.



Mar 4, 2012
Well i told everyone i would try and get some pictures up of a few flies i tied. I tried to tie a few green caddis, wolly buggers, and hares ear's. Would love some feed back on what to improve on. Only my second year (first year actually trying to hit it hard) so bear with me as im trying to get better. any criticism is accepted. even if you would say you would never fish these flies in a million years. whatever i can do to get better. thanks for the help in advance and thanks to everyone who has been helping me out.


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that HE looks really good for being youe second year tying. next time use a smaller hackle on your buggers. having too large of hackles will somtimes decrease chanses of a hookup. also try not to cut the tails with scissors. if you feel the tail is too long, grasp the tail firmly at the desired length with your right hand (if you're right handed) then grasp the tag ends with your other hand and tear them. this gives the tail a nicer look instead of a straight edge "cut" look. since you were looking for things to improve on, thats my $.02. however they will all catch fish as is. keep tying man! tight wraps.
I agree with what BLK said.