First Annual Panfish Popper Open



Sep 13, 2011
Not having been able to find good smallmouth fishing within any kind of reasonable day trip distance, I have decided to embrace the horror, at least for this weekend.

That being said, I propose to hold an informal tournament for panfish on poppers (or other surface flies). No Wooly bugger fish or nymphs allowed. No bass or musky, though we could always Calcutta for such "trash fish". I propose a $5-10 fee. From 10:09 am to 3:00 pm this Sunday, or whenever we get tired or bored. At Marsh Creek Lake on the Linwood side. Boats or on foot. One fish limit, to be kept in pristine shape in a bucket until measured. Dead fish penalty is that the rest of the anglers beat you senseless with 3-5 weight fly rods.

Who is in?
Last bluegill I caught at MCL drilled a good-sized bass popper.

This sounds like a good time. I've got plans w/ the family, but otherwise I'd be in.

LMAO! Good Luck with this SC. It Sounds like a hoot!
Hey, watch it. So I will go conventional from time to time to chase the bigmouth, but never for panfish... I'm surpised more folks aren't game. A no-pressure screwoff of a tourney benefitting nobody but the winner, maybe enough winnings to buy the group a round of bourbon. At least we know we can catch fish there...
If it was a day that I could make it I would go . Plus allot of these guys don't want to miss thier football.

It sounds like a blast. I would love to be there but I need to help my daughter move back into college. Bad timing, but I hope you guys slam some real slabs.
It doesn't look like anyone is available. I'm open to reschedule a panfish jam. I'm still probably going to goof off this Sunday.