Firefox is not that hot...



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
My understanding from most IT guys was that Firefox is a much better (safer/faster) browser than the IE that I have been using for a long time, so I switched over a few days ago. FFox sucks on my computer, especially when trying access this site. When I click on the PAFF bookmark, it hangs up and takes forever to load (just like back in the "GoDaddy" days). When I go back to IE, the site comes up in less than a second and is much faster and responsive when navigating the site. Most of my other links work okay with FF, but still not faster or better than IE. Any ideas why that would be? Should I douse the flame?
I have it at home and the only think that I like more about the browser is that it has a spell check built in .
I would open IE and delete temporary internt files and bowsing history...then reopen firefox. My firefox is noticibly faster than my IE.
tomgamber wrote:
[color=990000]I would open IE and delete temporary internt files and bowsing history...then reopen firefox.[/color] My firefox is noticibly faster than my IE.


That was one of the first things I did. Interestingly, PAFF is the only site that is slow. BTW, FF remembers my password and the exact page comes up from my last session. Does your FF do that for you? I think that may be the problem. When I delete my cookies on FF, the site comes up quickly, but after that first time, it slows down bringing up the site.

I have a love hate with FF. Very compatible, but often very slow. Have you tried Google Chrome? It uses some more modern code and seems pretty quick. It will remember your name and PW when you com back to the site. I have not used it on a lot of others sites, but for here it seems pretty good.

Thanks Dave. IE always worked fine for me on this site and all others. The reason I decided to change to FF, is that several IT guys I know say it is a safer browser with respect to viruses. Is that the case? If not, I will switch back to IE8.
Not sure which is the safest browser. I just try to stay away from Windows as an OS.
afishinado wrote:
Interestingly, PAFF is the only site that is slow. BTW, FF remembers my password and the exact page comes up from my last session. Does your FF do that for you?

No, my bookmark is the main page and that's what opens. That does sound like a cookie problem though. I have firefox set to delete all cookies when I close the browser.
Interesting Tom. Thanks for the info. I looked it up on FF and the feature is called "session restore". I really don't know how to turn it off.
Tools/options/privacy (tab) poke around the settings. they're pretty obvious.
dkile wrote:
Not sure which is the safest browser. [color=CC0000]I just try to stay away from Windows as an OS.[/color]

Thanks Dave, unfortunately........."I'm a PC"

(At least until i look to buy another computer)