Finding Water Temperatures Tools - Penn's Creek Glen Iron



May 30, 2020
I am struggling to figure out if certain areas temperatures are okay.
What I am using
1) USGS stations: Very few have temperature gauges. i.e.
a lot of USGS do not have temperature sensors.
2) TCO Stream Condition TCO Stream Condition
3) Talking at my local fly shop (I pay my green fees there I mean Stream Fees)
4) Get there take a quick temperature and realize I just drove for nothing.

So what other tools do you use?
PS Penn's Creek Glen Iron Section is that going to be cool enough in the start of September?
I usually don't get back on Penns (for trout) until late Sept. You could call The Feathered Hook, they'll let you know the temps up by them, but that wouldn't tell you much about the temp at Glen Iron, except that it'll be warmer down there. I don't put a lot of stock in TCOs reports - they're generally a little optimistic IMO. Bruce at Penns Creek Angler is another great resource. He's been updating his Facebook page recently and says Penns is still too hot for trout. Plus a lot of it has to do with specifically where you are. Elk certainly cools Penns down, but its influence dissipates pretty quickly. The stretch directly below their confluence might be fishable when the C&R section is still very hot. For me, I just leave them alone until that whole area cools down.

Prior to the rain Penns was super low and hot everywhere. Even with this rain I'd wager it'll be a bit before it's fair game. Brutal. On the plus side, the bass fishing on lower Penns is pretty great right now.
I usually start fishing the central PA limestoners again in mid sept.
However, the weather does sometimes stay hot until the end of the month.
So you certainly need to stay aware of the situation.

And be flexible.
If you go to Penns, and its still a little too warm - spring creek would likely be OK now
Bruce at Penns Creek Angler says it is still too warm for trout. Fish for bass right now. He lives in Weikert on the creek. He knows the creek.
If the air temperatures are hot, the water temperatures on Penns Creek will be warm.
The water on Penns is way too low. 100 CFS is problematic. Portions of the month of August it was below 75! I hope it can bounce back but with the heron population the way it is I fear it will take a few years. I hope I am wrong.
Just got back from scouting the C&R. It's real low, looks like winter. The water was 66 at 4pm, but it was cool and rainy today. I suspect it'd be a lot hotter if the sun was out. I saw trout rising to something emerging fast, they were jumping fully out of the water. I didn't try to catch em. I did catch a buttload of smallmouth, red eyes, fallfish, and chubs. Like way too many of them. It was an every cast affair. They were just stacked up in holes. I did see one absolute bomber of a trout rise to something, though most of the ones I saw were 10-12" give or take, and skinny.
Well I am off Friday morning. I am seeing the sunny skies in the forecast and I think I might run up to Big Fishing Creek instead. I never do well on Penn's when it is sunny. Now sunny das at dusk are amazing.