Finding Things in Unlikely Places - Thread Holder



Aug 15, 2011
I find things in unlikely places from time to time. I had gone to a local craft store to see if they carried bead tweezers. Nothing doing on that front and the store help was not very helpful at all despite the fact they carried beads of all shapes, sizes, and colors plus every bead working tool known to man save, of course, the lockable bead tweezers. (I'll find them online somewhere if the other craft outfits here in the Valley don't have them.)

Anyway, I wondered around the vastness of the store that seemed to carry supplies for every craft in the known universe. (The lockable bead tweezers must exist only in a parallel universe.) The sewing area was gargantuan and I happened to spy something I was planning to make this winter, a wooden thread holder. This is far better than the clunky thing I had pictured in my mind, especially because it's upright, easily visible, and easily accessible. The brand name on these is "June Tailor". The larger 30 spool holder was $9.99 and the smaller 16 spool holder $7.66, both made in China, of course. I suspect that you could find these in nearly any craft store with a big sewing department.


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They sell them at Wal Mart too.

You can find a wide variety of tying supplies at craft stores, you'd be surprised.
Yea I have the bigger one.
I, too, have a few of these and like them. In my tying area, I have some very shallow drawers. These threadholders lay flat in the drawer and allow easy access to individual spools.
Learned a lesson from my quilter thread lives in a plastic 2 sided Hot Wheels carrier from Walmart.
I will have to look for these today at Walmart. Those prices sure beat the $50 price tag on the spool safe at my local fly shop. The safe is nice but just haven't convinced myself it's worth $50.
I fold the legs flat and hang it from my wall.
Ended up going to Walmart for some things yesterday. Found 1 thread rack, but it had 2 broken pegs. I asked manager for discount and ended up getting it for $8. The 2 broken pegs didnt really bother me for that price. I ended up braking more on the bottom row to drill holes in those spots for my bobbins. Here is a pic of what I did with mine and it really is nice for what it is. Cleaned up my tying desk nicely!
This is how mine is, except my bobbins already have a place.