Finally...Some WW Action!


Staff member
May 3, 2011
I went back through my photo albums from last year and thanks to all the high water I'm pretty sure I only got out and WW fished three times last year. I "WW fished" a couple times this Spring during that dry spell that produced very low seasonal flows on the big streams in April, but with water temps at only around 50, that was hardly WW fishing. Got out today and had an absolute blast. WW stream fishing was what hooked me on fishing, and despite having caught the trout bug, is still my first love.

Caught some nice, and more importantly, healthy Smallies representing numerous year classes, including a camera shy 14 incher. Also caught a good mix of Fallfish, Rock Bass, Redbreasts, Bluegill, and Green Sunfish too.

A few pics:

(1) - "The other native PA stream species with orange bellies"...aka Redbreast Sunfish.
(2) - Second best Smallie of the day, or the best one that was willing to pose for a photo...depending on how you look at it.
(3) - Cute little guy, ain't he?



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we should get together some time. i gave up trout a decade ago for efforts at trout this spring showed me how long i was away from them.
warm water is just a good time. i really like panfishing.
i'm thinking some time this weekend will be my first go at the creek for the year.
that warm spell got my heart racing, but i knew water temps wouldn't be where i wanted them to be.