FFM -- current issue



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
The current (Oct-Dec 2010) issue of Fly Fisherman magazine is pretty sad. It does not look like editor Ross Purnell can save it. It is down to 64 pages, some of which is only obliquely related to fly-fishing. It contains little advertising. My sister-in-law asked if I wanted her to continue the subscription this Christmas, but I told her that since the price went up to 26 dollars, she ought to forget about it. This is kind of sad: I've subscribed or have gotten gift subscriptions to FFM since the 1970s, but there really isn't much there any longer. Maybe the next issue will be better.
I, too think the rag has been lacking as of late. I'm glad I also bought the most recent Drake when I picked up the FFM. Doesn't it also have a Beck's picture on the front cover, too? I try to steer clear of any magazine with their pictures in it, sellouts.
I admittedly didn't check the cover, but the fact that the becks are contributing photographers for FFM is another strike against it in my book, too.
I can't find the Drake. I look at B&N in 'toona -- no luck, and I have not been able to figure out how to subscribe on the internet either (the dinosaur in my probably).
I think I have subscribed since 1971 or 2, and FFM has badly deteriorated during that time. So sad. Founder Don Zahner would be truly upset, I think.
I don't think it's all Purnell's fault; I think he's probably doing the best he can with what he has.
rrt wrote:
I admittedly didn't check the cover, but the fact that the becks are contributing photographers for FFM is another strike against it in my book, too.
I can't find the Drake. I look at B&N in 'toona -- no luck, and I have not been able to figure out how to subscribe on the internet either (the dinosaur in my probably).
I think I have subscribed since 1971 or 2, and FFM has badly deteriorated during that time. So sad. Founder Don Zahner would be truly upset, I think.
I don't think it's all Purnell's fault; I think he's probably doing the best he can with what he has.


Click on "add to cart", type in your address and cc info and you're good-to-go!
I let my subscription expire last year. It's useless.
I just got my reminder to renew my subscription. I think I will just let it expire.
Afish -- I tried to subscribe; had to log in, etc. If I did it right, I might have ordered a subscription -- I hope. But, I keep telling you guys I'm a dinosaur...
Thank you for the link.
Check your email. I would imagine that there is some sort of email confirmation. If not, you can email them at info@drakemag.com (provided on their contacts page) to verify that your subscription went through.

Their phone number is also on the contacts page. Worse comes to worst, you could probably call them tomorrow to get a subscription.

RRT, I checked at Barnes and Noble in Altoona for a week and no luck either. I asked one of the clerks about it, who proceeded to check stock and tell me: The computer says we have -6. I don't know how you can have a negative quantity of anything, but that is what they told me. I ended up getting mine at TCO.
Thanks, guys. I have tried to subscribe, and I even emailed to check to see if I have. In this modern world, it's kind of tough being a "dinosaur." Things were a lot easier for me back in the day.
Thanks again.
10/16 -- Got a Drake and a subscription card; I subscribed for 3 years. From what I have seen of it, it's certainly different. I also see where the advertising that FFM used to have is now; The Drake seems to have gotten it all! I've read some things, and so far it reads well--a little gonzo, I guess. And, lo and behold, there are no pictures from the first sellout couple, which is a real plus in my book.
Again, thanks for helping me finally get to it!
Like most magazines, isn't The Drake heavily west coast oriented?
I find very little useful information in it, so it doesn't matter. It's more of a literary magazine. Lots of eye candy and fish pron. If it were an informative mag, I'd say you're right.

I like it much better than the ad-riddled rags out there.
I find it to be incredibly contrived, but I'm a sucker for shiny pictures.
I finished it, and, geez, I kind of enjoyed it, even at my age. Sure, there was lots of eye candy and maybe it strayed from my favorite troutlings, but the fishers seemed to have fun. It may not replace AA (when it's good) or Fr&R as my favorites, but I enjoyed the mag. It's certainly better than the present version of FFM, IMO, and I say that, kind of wistfully, after having subscribed to FFM for longer than many of you young lions have been alive. I even laughed out loud a couple of times at stuff in The Drake, and I can't remember the last time I laughed b/c of something in FFM. It contains only a small bit of k/t and a little how-to, but it does seem to point to the flyfishing adventure and fun of the sport. The Drake fits a nice niche, at least for me right now.
(Sorry so long)
RRT- I have several older issues of the Drake, you could borrow if you'd like. The reason I took such a liking to it had a lot to do with an acticle I read in the first issue I ever bought. It was only about a page long, but whoever wrote it completely bashed the Beav and his company. It was great. It focused on him trying to by a section of a famous Colorado river (which he then tried to sell for twice what he had just paid), the Yampa, I think. I could try to photocory the article for you if you would like. Or if you wanted to I would give you my old copies, except for that first one, in exchange for a copy of "The Trout at the Walnut Tree"? Let me know what you think.