FF class



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
from FFP website. beginners take notice. I know this should be under announcements, but I want the beginners to see it.

To all:
If you are just getting into flyfishing or simply thinking about flyfishing, you will benefit from the Flyfishing 101 sessions that will be held at the FFP store on July 9 and 23. Flyfishing 101 is a program supported by the Orvis Company to introduce new anglers to the sport. Our FF101 sessions wil lbe led by Dennis Charney, who instructs both at FFP and at the Wulff flyfishing schools. Rigging (lines, leaders, knots, indicators, etc.) and basic casting will be the prime topics of focus. There is no need to pre-register. Just be at the FFP store at 11 AM on either (or both) of the two dates. There is no fee.

Steve Sywensky
Flyfisher's Paradise

Great opportunity. That is if you are not already scheduled for a similar class at Cabela's, Gander Mtn or some shop in Idaho on the same date.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
I never took a class, but I had a lot of exposure to fly fishing basics via my brother who has been fly fishing for over 25 years. If you don't have someone close to you that can provie that insight, I think the money for a class will be well spent. You can read and watch videos all you want, but until you actually do it, the learning curve will most likely be long and frustrating.
Dennis is a heck of nice guy and great teacher. For the newbs on here go to this Dennis will greatly help speed up your learning process!
RowJimmy wrote:
Dennis is a heck of nice guy and great teacher. For the newbs on here go to this Dennis will greatly help speed up your learning process!
I agree. If you are new to the sport you should attend Dennis's instructional session.
I went to the FF101 class held by Orvis last month. Great turn out and some excellect instruction in basic casting and knots.

This weekend FF201... on the water! Looking forward to it.

I would greatly suggest anyone juat getting started, go to these free classes (at FFP and Orvis). They are well worth your time.
I never took it, but just have to send a shout out to FFP and Orvis for making this happen. It's good stuff. FFP has always been great about stuff like this. And it's free! That kind of lets you know its not some backhanded money making scheme, they're truly trying to help new fly fishers.
I think Orvis usually provides a $25 certificate at the end of the class. Or at least they did last year when I read about it.
I wouldn't call it a backhanded money making scheme, but you do have to be a realist and know that FFP has a lot of interest in using such a "course" to acquire those participant's business...

Nice gesture nonetheless..

Not sure what FFP does, but Orvis gives out a booklet with coupons in the back, 2 FF membership offers, plus a FF 101 pin.

Free lessons are all about getting people interested in FF and minimizing the frustration that goes with it.

Kudos to FFP and Orvis!
not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but if i am planning on attending what gear, if any do i need to bring?
You didn't any for the Orvis class, all was supplied. I would call FFP to be sure.
FFP has always been a great shop and have provided alot of free services over the years. Steve is a top notch guy who is more than happy to help out new guys with what ever he can.
This was moved here from the Beginner's Forum.