ferral wax or grease



Active member
Jan 16, 2012
What is the best wax or grease to use on the ferrals were the rod sections join together. I hear pros and cons about it , Will it stop wear and tear on the joints. Right now i wax my rods with a good car wax 2 time a year.
hunter1 wrote:
What is the best wax or grease to use on the ferrals were the rod sections join together. I hear pros and cons about it , Will it stop wear and tear on the joints. Right now i wax my rods with a good car wax 2 time a year.

I can hear H-A now..............Parafin Wax. Good stuff.
Over 25 years ago my Grandpa gave me a tip that I STILL use today and dont see a reason to change because it STILL works. I can remember it like it was yesterday.......before every day of bass fishing with Grandpa he would always grab my nose between his thumb and forefinger and twist then rub his rod. One day I asked him Grandpa why do you always do that? He said to lube my rod. Every day before putting his fly rod together he would rub skin oil on each ferral. It worked for him and still works for me after all these years ive never had a stuck ferral. Thanks Grandpa!
Great story Delata Dog, my family did the same thing.
Brings back fond memories .
Thank you all for your comments. I'll go back to using candle wax.
It's cheap and it works. I'm not having any problems with my rods, I just like to keep them in like new condition and ready to go. Thank's again.
delta_dog wrote:
Over 25 years ago my Grandpa gave me a tip that I STILL use today and dont see a reason to change because it STILL works. I can remember it like it was yesterday.......before every day of bass fishing with Grandpa he would always grab my nose between his thumb and forefinger and twist then rub his rod. One day I asked him Grandpa why do you always do that? He said to lube my rod. Every day before putting his fly rod together he would rub skin oil on each ferral. It worked for him and still works for me after all these years ive never had a stuck ferral. Thanks Grandpa!

Ummm odd that. Was just talking about nose oil lube for ferules last week. Also makes a reasonable quick floatant on a summer day. Just be careful where the pointy part is. :cool:
More importantly than waxing the ferrules is to clean them somewhat regularly. Dirt buildup will act as an abrasive so every time you put the pieces together it’s like you are rubbing them with fine grit sandpaper and slowly wearing them down. And you shouldn’t be adding wax to ferrules unless you first clean them with rubbing alcohol. Simply use a paper towel for the male ferrule and a Q-Tip for the female ferrule.

Most rod makers recommend against using nose oil but I do agree that trick has been around a long time. Most makers recommend a little bit of paraffin wax.