Feces-related bacteria abundant in Susky > Harrisburg



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Another recent article about raw sewage flowing into the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg. The high water events of 2018 > 2019 have made the problem even worse. Discharges of sewage average now almost every other day in H-burg with the heavy rain events and bacteria levels 10x safe levels in some cases. Details >


Yo Tom

Thx for that. Another good reason not to wet wade.
Start a go fund me account raise allot of money find a lawyer then sue the city and sewage company. Also start a class action lawsuit against both for anyone that can prove they have any health effects from being in contact with the water because they didn’t warn anyone or test the water to see the impact of them knowingly dumping large amounts sewage in the waterway .

Or you can just complain about it on here, and wait for the city and sewage company to fix themselves.
Does the existance of combined sewage and stormwater systems in Pa surprise you? They are pretty common, and not just in large, urban areas. I can think of some small towns that have them as well.
Mike wrote:
Does the existance of combined sewage and stormwater systems in Pa surprise you? They are pretty common, and not just in large, urban areas. I can think of some small towns that have them as well.

I recall reading in one of the articles, there are over 1700 combined sewage and stormwater systems operating right now in PA. And PA leads, or is near the top in the US for the number of these facilities releasing sewage into the waterways.