Favorite Tying Tool



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I am thoroughly enjoying the holiday and have been relaxing and all and all taking it pretty easy. Tonight, I thought about tying some flies. However, I arrived at my bench and found it truly to be a frikkin disaster. Hooks, feathers, tippet, thread, tools and just general junk lying about. I sat back opened a nice beer and took it all in for a moment. I then started cleaning my bench. As I was picking up various flies and hooks I thought about my favorite tool on my bench.

It is an old magnet that my dad used to pick up nails in his woodworking corner of the basement. It is about 3 ½ * 2 * 2. I rely on this thing much more than I ever thought. I keep it attached to the base of my vice. My guess is that it may be able to pick up ten lbs. It is just so damn simple and effective. It picks up flies, holds hooks, and finds the lost hook in the carpet.

It also magnetizes the hooks. I find this to be an attractor of 11 + pound trout.
I can't say they are my favorite becaouse of an affinity, but I know I get really frustrated with dull scissors...so having sharp scissors is my vote.
I like a good bobbin...cheap bobbins break your line and a good ceramic one you won't have that trouble. Scissors are right behind that I think.
A good pair of razor sharp scissors.
Having injuried a finger earlier this year (whacked off a piece of a finger tip) I will say my fingers. Though sharp scissors are a close second.

I would have to 2nd fingers. Since learning to whip finish with my fingers I have reduced the amount of tools that I use to a vise, scissors and bobbin. Just the perfect amount for stream side tying if needed.
Mine is my vise -- without it tying would be laborous.

But I do sharp scissors, whip finish tool, and bodkin.
flyfishermanj wrote:
Having injuried a finger earlier this year (whacked off a piece of a finger tip) I will say my fingers. Though sharp scissors are a close second.


Hmm seems like an ironic statement :)

For me - a rotary vise. My Renzetti has outlasted every other tool on my bench.