Favorite Music Download Site



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Which ones do you like?? Merry Christmas To All
http://www.archive.org/index.php is the best
I use 360 share :lol:
Friend just showed me LimeWire.com....it rocks. Works alot like the old one I used to use before they shut it down.
OK not to sound like a dork or anything, but is it safe to do that stuff? I quit after Morphious, a few years back. If I'm goin to the bighouse it ain't gonna be over music.

Please tell me that it is safe because I desperately miss downloading!
I use a combination of limewire and itunes. The difference is itunes is always great quality of music but u have to pay for the music which isnt expensive, about 99 cents a song. Limewire is free and is hit or miss on the quality of song you download you have to realy watch what you downloading. There also is a version of limewire you have to pay for i think its like a $20 flat fee but you dont have to buy it to use it. Most of my music on my computer is either ripped off cds or downlodes through limewire.

it has a lot of free shows and one's you can pay for. if you like jambands then you'll like this site.

Like Bruno said, Archive.org is the best. Especially if you are like me and can't get enough Dead. I'm listening to a nice Grateful Dead show as I type now from archive.org.
Nugs.net is also good like gov't mule said. But with a screen name like that, what would you expect? Unfortunatley, not enough gov't mule available. Gotta love Warren!
If you are into the grateful dead, gdlive.com has some stuff that you might not find on other sites.
Don't forget about friends too. I have thousands of songs that I downloaded from friends and never worried about the cyber police knocking at my door for stealing music.