Favorite Mountain Crick - Ant-tastic! Ant-sanity!



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
Hey guys, since I like ya'll, I want to share this with you. First of all, I never did lose my thermometer. I just stuck it somewhere I usually don't. That helped me get a temperature reading on the mountain crick today - 58 degrees. Even in this heat wave, cold water abounds. Second of all, I am typing the text on my Macbook first, and then I will upload photos from my phone.

Anyways, do ya'll remember when I posted that thread a few years back titled "My New Favorite Mountain Crick?" Since I had nothing to do today and I had some free time, I made the drive back to the stream. This is about my fourth time adventuring up there, and I keep liking this creek more and more. I started off fishing a brown Wulff style fly and immediately I found brown trout that wanted to munch it. I only landed maybe 8 fish on this trip, all browns, I hooked many more and had many missed takes, but I only landed 8 or so. There are brooks in there, too, but I didn't find them today. This is a cool stream though, and I am glad that I started exploring it. Even without having rain for weeks now, the flow on this crick was okay. The holding water is pretty awesome. None of the browns I landed were much more than 8 inches, but I know larger fish are in there. Sometimes, I get on kicks of tying certain flies and, therefore, they are what I want to fish. This was the case with the Wulff flies. I have been tying lots of them, and I enjoy tying them, so I have been fishing them.

After spending hours up in the mountains, I headed back towards home, and here is where the ant-sanity began. I stopped by a well-known limestone spring creek that I haven't fished in quite a while. It was hot, sunny, and I knew what that meant - ANTS! I put on my parachute ant, and immediately began just raking the browns over the coals. I landed about 8 more browns from this stream in about an hour. I spooked a bazillion trout, too, but I just love brown trout coming out of nowhere to inhale the ant. There is a lesson in this for others: trout can hide in places where you typically don't think they would. Most browns that ate my ant DID NOT come out of the prime lies. These fish came from the tiniest little depressions. It was awesome. Man, I love the parachute ant. Anyways, boy oh boy was that an awesome day of exploration and dry fly fishing. I only caught one fish on a nymph, and all the rest ate dry flies Good times!
Nice looking stream. The parachute ant did for you today what it did for me last Thursday. Right down to the 8 browns in an hour. Mine were small too. I like being able to see it so well, that's important to me. Can't wait to fish one again.
Nice looking stream. The parachute ant did for you today what it did for me last Thursday. Right down to the 8 browns in an hour. Mine were small too. I like being able to see it so well, that's important to me. Can't wait to fish one again.
I only fished the ant on the well known limestoner, not the mountain freestoner. Just a note.
Yo CRB, why the angry emoji? Is that yours from your net release? Am I on your crick? Or is it because it is litter?
Awesome pics. That stream looks awesome. It's been a while since I spent a day on a creek like that. I love how you get pumped after a day like that!
Not really popular anymore I guess... Get your very own for 13 bucks these days ;)
I've encountered one angler in my life that uses one. He is a silent forum member here (Chris, I think you briefly remember him from WW jam last year.. He showed just a little.) I just fished with him yesterday, and he is still using it.
I've encountered one angler in my life that uses one. He is a silent forum member here (Chris, I think you briefly remember him from WW jam last year.. He showed just a little.) I just fished with him yesterday, and he is still using it.
If it's who I think it is, that checks out....