Favorite most effective pattern



New member
May 30, 2009
Just curious what everyone elses favorite most effective patterns are? upload a pic to show everyone else (unless it super secret)

Mine is a very simple BHPT variation but its extremly deadly in my local wild trout stream


  • bhprincepheasanttail-001.jpg
    56 KB · Views: 10
dont know how to do the pics yet but my favorite is a gold ribbed hares ear without a bead. I catch most of my trout on that fly and for me its and easy pattern to tie.
Whatever the fish are rising to
It really depends for me; time of day, year, or mood.

However, one thing is usually consistant...bead head flashback PT.
If that's not working, a variation of PT usually stings a few fish.

Of course, I can't complain about my more "hatch specific" imitations. (At work, so I can't show pictures) However, I study pictures of the real thing and mimic it the best I can.
We have had this conversation a million times, so I guess one more won't hurt!!!

A friend, who is a successful guide, introduced me to Harrison Steeves, and his foam flies. Especially his foam beetle. I start fishing this in March, and finish up in November. I don't fish in the winter, or else I would try it. Here is a link to some of his ties, I recommend his book. This picture is not my tie, but mine look just like it, this is from the website in the following link.

Harrison Steeves

Jersey - that's interesting. It looks pretty similar to the crowe beetle that I use a lot. But I usually don't start fishing with it until we get some hot weather in May. Maybe I should try it earlier

Look streamside on a sunny March day. You will see beetles crawling around, ants also.

From Wikipedia-
"Beetles are the group of insects with the largest number of known species. They are classified in the order Coleoptera ... which contains more described species than in any other order in the animal kingdom, constituting about 25% of all known life-forms...... 40% of all described insect species are beetles (about 350,000 species, and new species are frequently discovered....."

They can be foam, deer hair, even coffee beans (never fished one yet). The foam are easy and cheap to tie and make a great platform to attach a dropper.