Father/son to state college this thursday. Thoughts?



New member
Feb 4, 2013
Father and i are running over to state college on thursday. Both of us are from pittsburgh but spend most of our time in utah. Was thinking of going to spring and the little j. Both of us are very experienced fly fisherman but never spent anytime on state college area waters. For spring i was thinking head to benner springs access area and walk/fish downstream on the canyon trail. For little j i was thinking of just of parking at the mountain road access just north of barree and walking/fishing up the canyon. Any thoughts or comments on my plan? Thanks all!

I love Spring Creek and you're plan is what I do regularly. It is a great stretch of water. I fish it all year and generally have success when I'm there. In my experience however, while there are a bunch of fish, I find them to be all about the same size. Sometimes it is like there is no fish at all, then all of the sudden the dinner bell rings and you can hook into 10 in no time.

I recommend trying your hand at Big Fishing Creek. It is an awesome trout stream that offers a challenge and many people leave scratching their heads. In my mind, when I picture a trout stream I think of a stream much like the narrows section. I may be a little biased since it is my home waters.
The fishing ck narrows is a good place to get your arse handed to you very challenging and phone booth casting. When I picture a trout stream I picture Penns ck lower Coburn to Weikart.
I fished the gorge section of Little J on Friday with some friends and between the 4 of us hooked 1 fish in 5 hours. On Saturday and Sunday we fished the Penn State section of Spruce Creek and did very well on browns and bows up to 24 inches. If you do fish Spruce be careful walking around because we saw many redds.
Nympho do you mind sharing what you caught em on?

I mostly fished a #16 Walts Worm with either a red or black #20 zebra midge dropper and caught fish on them all.
Just a little review on the lil j. I fished the gorge Saturday and sunday and did very very well. Dont be afraid to hit it up, perfect water.
I'd vote for fishing creek as well.

Spring usually fishes easier, but the narrows section of fishing creek is pretty cool.
I'd go for Spring Creek if you want the guarantee of catching fish for your son. Water is pretty low in some sections. Fishing Creek definetely a bucket list stream, but not sure I'd want to start there for State College (not to mention an hour drive away...)

Just watch out for any spawning fish in the riffles if you end up Spring Creek.
Please watch out for spawning fish on any stream near State College right now. After the summer we had those fish deserve to spawn in peace.
Lamar is only 20-30 minutes from state college.
DanL wrote:
I'd go for Spring Creek if you want the guarantee of catching fish for your son. Water is pretty low in some sections. Fishing Creek definetely a bucket list stream, but not sure I'd want to start there for State College (not to mention an hour drive away...)

Just watch out for any spawning fish in the riffles if you end up Spring Creek.