Fastest Way to the JAM



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I'm leaving Pittsburgh at 4 pm of friday to head up to the Jam. What it the fastest way ?? 22 to state college then 220 north ?? or 28 north to I80 then 220.

I'm planning on going balls to the wall the whole way.
Bruno, when I went to camp, from work Near Millvale, I used to to take 28 to DuBois ( I think its the third exit) take 255 north past treasure lake to 555 N...(you might see elk near Bennezette) that will take you to 120 in Driftwood...Go east and either follow the first fork, kettle or 144 at Renovo north to Rt6. I used to get to Driftwood in about 2 hours...It shouldn't take you much more than an hour and a half from there. Renovo is 24 miles from Driftwood then 144 takes you right up there. I only suggest the first fork and kettle routes in case you want to fish on the way up.

Talk about you straight line:

Da'burgh to Gaines