Fast rod blanks



New member
Aug 31, 2010
Hey all,

I'm looking to build a small stream rod, and I'm not up on what's out there on blanks nowadays. Here's what I want:

-7.5ft 4wt
-FAST action
-black or very dark blank, preferrably flat finish
-not break the bank (good deals you might be aware of?)

Dan Craft FT is a fast action blank at an affordable price.
I have recently come into and/or cast a few St Croix rods and the blanks are spectacular. I personally am finding I like them better than my Winston line up of WT, BIIX and BIIMX. The Legand Ultra line has a matte finish and is dark green. I *believe* that the equivalent in St Croix blanks maybe a different color however.

The drop down gives the line up of colors and finishes.
I'll second the prior post. Legend Ultra or Legend Ultra Elite are both very nice and not too bad a price point.

WARNING: Be careful what you wish for. I wanted a FAST rod and got a TCX built for me. When you put 5wt line on a 4wt rod and it still doesn't feel like it's loading until there's 40' of line out, that's friggin fast. Too fast and too much work to cast it. I opted for a softer replacement when I got rid of it after just 5 months.
I'm a Sage guy and the TXL line is being redesigned for '11 and the current models are on sale. 7ft 4 or 7'10 4 are your options, but if you can cast one, I would recommend giving it a look, although it may be outside of your budget?

Also worth checking Hook & Hackle Co. as they're a great source for rod building.

Let us know what you end up with, good luck in your search.
I you want a true fast rod then the Dan Craft FT series is what you want. The speed of these blanks is crazy and most end up overlining them because they can't get used to how stiff they are.

I would also second the St.croix blanks. The SCV or the new SCIV blanks which are made of a blend of SCIV and SCII graphite and come with a stunning glazed burgundy finish.

The new Mudhole MHX blanks have a faster action also but the selection is very limited in the smaller size blanks. I think you would have to go with a 8' blank to get a 4wt because the 7'6 4wt is a slower action.

If you can find a Fly Logic FLO blank on ebay or on a rod building forum grab that up quick also.

BTW, a fine Liberman steel wool will easily burnish the gloss finish with no damage or compromising the structural integrity. Would be real easy to get that matte finish with a blank.
I would recommend the "tiger eye" 2wt and 5wt. 6ft. blanks from are extremely fast actions. They also have 7.5 fters in 3/4 and 4/5 wt.s There are dual line weighted say a 2/3 or a 4/5 wt. And they if I can remember right under 20$ a bank. I've built 2 on them a 6ft. 2wt. a dream to fish small natives with and a 8ft 5wt.





Don't go near the batson rx6, 7 6.5 ft 2wt.s they are garbage. Really slow action in mean beyond slow. I built one a beauty of a rod but I can't hook a fish. It' might be a good 1wt.

Don't go near the batson rx6, 7 6.5 ft 2wt.s they are garbage. Really slow action in mean beyond slow. I built one a beauty of a rod but I can't hook a fish. It' might be a good 1wt.

I use and sell the batson, given its not a fast blank but cast like a dream. rx6 in 6.5 2wt. is a nice medium action rod. I fish small streams all the time with mine. hook & hackle are batson blanks.
I built one a beauty of a rod but I can't hook a fish. It' might be a good 1wt.

I'll shoot you my address, you just go ahead and drop that in the mail for me then, 'kay?
Don't go near the batson rx6, 7 6.5 ft 2wt.s they are garbage. Really slow action in mean beyond slow. I built one a beauty of a rod but I can't hook a fish. It' might be a good 1wt

Are you you talking about about the 6' 6" 2wt RX6's, the blue blanks?

If you are, I couldn't disagree more. First off, the blanks are NOT light enough for 1wt lines. Heck, the 2wt line which they are rated for barely loads them at normal fishing distances. In fact, I've found a 3wt line ideal for them. As for being slow, they are a moderate action blank but they aren't noodles and have plenty of zip. I can get some pretty good line speed and very tight loops out of mine when I need to.

There are some dogs in the RX6 line of blanks, the 6' 6" 2wt is not one of them.

With all that out of the way, I would not suggest the Batson RX6, RX7, or RX7+ line of blanks to anyone who wanted an honest to goodness fast or ultra fast blank. These blanks just aren't comparable to the top end fast action rods from Sage, Orvis, etc. Now if you want to make comparisons to a more moderate rod such as the Sage ZXL, the Batson RX7+'s definately come into play.

Her's a shot with the 6"6" 2wt on the top, a 7' 4wt Lamiglass on the bottom. (Like a picture can add anything to a discussion about rod action. :lol: )


Kev I just wanted to show 'em what the tiger eyes look like and maybe give him some ideas of thread color. I know alot of people use the batson blanks. Personally I don't like em they dont suit my casting style.
Thanks all.

The Dan Craft sounds good. But I checked the site and they don't have a 7-1/2 in the FT series.

Still lookin'. Maybe a spinning blank lol.
Maybe a spinning blank lol.

I tried that once. I happened to have a light spinning blank and figured I could make a fly rod out of it. The action was very tippy and unpleasant and even though it was an "ultra-light" spinning blank, it was still too heavy for any line lighter than 5wt. I wouldnt advise putting much money in such a project.

Batson now lists a 7'6" 4wt. among its RX8 travel fly rod blanks. Matte finish with extra fast action. These are not the same as the US made RX8+ but could fit the bill for under $100. Might be worth a look.
