Falling Spring accident



New member
Dec 29, 2013
Looks like a truck crashed near the falling spring today spilling milk and fuel into the creek not good. Hopefully doesn't hurt the fishery in anyway. Here's a link http://www.your4state.com/story/d/story/at-least-one-trapped-injured-in-accident-with-over/84980/SKbbc33K50uieYs3Z5kyVg
I got a call from the twp. and headed to the sight when it happened. DEP was there taking readings on O2 levels. I went the next day and they were there cleaning the mess up. I watched trout feeding in places that they normally would be found. Looks like we dodge one this time.
Mike Heck
Good to hear Mike. Any estimate on how may gallons made it to the waterway? If I'm not mistaken, a typical milk trailer hauls in the range of 7-8,000 gallons.
Now if it only would have happened on a high acid steam
Not sure how much, but I would say the truck was full.
Only the fisherperson with Oreo's had luck that day.
laszlo wrote:
Now if it only would have happened on a high acid steam

Can you expound on this a bit? Raw milk is acidic, not basic (pH 6.4-6.8). As it sours, it would become more acidic. How would this help an already high acid stream?

From a larger perspective, I know that anything in concentration can serve as a pollutant or kill fish, but is there a specific reaction that occurs with milk that would be more detrimental to fish?
Can we put up a "Got Milk" Sign along the creek?