Fall Stockings and iam back!

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
well guys its been an interesting month for me....sorry i havent been around. but now i have some time and in fact this week i will be out all week in the mornings to afternoons. hitting various streams and in various places. Ill be sure to keep u guys updated on my failures and my truimphs! :-D Just a reminder the fall stockings are in place or close to come so enjoy! hope to maybe see a few of u on the water, towmorrow its big fish country.....see what i can get :cool:
btw, some really beautiful new pics of wild trout in the photos section! congrates to all those that caught them......guess its my turn to be jealous since i havent been out! :lol: well maybe i can change that now :-D