Fall Newbie Picnic October 6th



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Saturday October 6th
Pohopoco Creek below Beltzville Dam
Meeting time: 7am till whenever
Covered dish picnic

This is a spin off of the Fish and Chips newbie get together on the Little Lehigh. PoconoPaul and I discussed and decided to put together a similar event to "pay it forward" to the Paff members that might need some help with putting this whole fly fishing thing together. Everybody is invited and I hope a few experienced members step up, want to help, and possibly take a few members to other streams to fish for brookies or just for trout. If you want to make it to this event, please post and include something you might be willing to bring.
Sounds like a good enough time, I'm interested (I'll likely be bowhunting first thing in the morning though.) I make a darn good spaghetti salad. I'm pretty good with an authentic smoked pulled pork too. I'd have to smoke that and make it the day before though and then just reheat it in a metal tray on the coleman stove. It takes 12-24 hrs to cure it with the rub and then 5-6hrs to smoke it properly.
So you are doing that Saturday, and I will be up this Sunday? Sounds really good.