Extra Bonnie Cord



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I purchased some Bonnie Cord. Probably enough to tie one fly for every fly fisher in Pennsylvania. If you want, send me a PM. If you then send me an envelope with postage I will send you a length for free! FREE is my favorite 4 letter word. Also, while not required the location of some Class A water with access or an invite to fish some time would also be nice. I also have some other stuff like dyed lambs wool for New Zealand strike indicators, red and white poly yarn, and undyed and unwashed lambs wool. No I am not from Amazon regarding your recent purchase of an Apple 14 iPhone Pro nor am I a Nigerian General with $2.4 million that I want to share with you. My privacy policy is to not share, sell or otherwise disclose your name, address, social security number or the location of your favorite brookie stream.

Missed this post before! I, too, have a lifetime supply of 26 colors of 4 mm cord as well! I like getting things in lifetime amounts, but I keep forgetting that I'm 65 NOT 16!! :)

What colors do you have. I’ll buy some fr you.
Missed this post before! I, too, have a lifetime supply of 26 colors of 4 mm cord as well! I like getting things in lifetime amounts, but I keep forgetting that I'm 65 NOT 16!! :)

Can you use some dyed lambs wool and son dental rubber bands for New Zealand strike indicators?
I'm sure we could work a trade (if I accepted money I'd just throw my taxes all to h**l! ;) ). Here are the selections: pink, ivory, lamb's wool, raspberry, parrot, kelly (green), orange, rust, gold, sky (blue), purple, sunshine, tan, rose, turquoise, wine, burgundy, black, thatch, pearl, shadow, cinnamon, pottery, sage, antique jade, red, forest (green), jute, almond, and brown.

These are all Bonnie Braid colors. Anything look interesting?

Ivory, tan sage?
Do you want any died lambs wool for strike indicators?
Or some DIY blended squirrel dubbing?
Send me your address in a pm.
The wool sounds good. It'll go well with the alpaca I have.
I love when things like this work out
As a new Fly guy what do you guys use the yarn for?
Here's some that I like and a few I've developed.

Rackelhanen - Kenneth Bostrom

Hot Mustard - Josephine Sedlecky-Borsum


My Condiment Series based on the Hot Mustard
Annatto - orange stone


Hoison - brown stone

Soy Sauce - black stone (use a furnace hackle with a strong black center. Black stones naturally have a brown cast to them.

My STP Paraloop - STP (split thread poly), uses poly on a split thread instead of a dry fly hackle.


Also, Clark's Stonefly series uses poly.



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As a new Fly guy what do you guys use the yarn for?
You can use yarn for all kinds of things: 1. New Zealand Strike indicators; 2. Posts for parachute flies; 3. dubbing depending on the color; 4. Hot spots on nymphs; 5. Caddis and all kinds of wings; and 6. Darning your socks. :)
Anyone know where I can acquire some chartreuse bonnie cord ?