
New member
Feb 10, 2011
Has anybody been able to get thru to EVENING HATCH'S website ? They haven't updated since last Oct. I sent them an email asking if their website was still active and being maintained. No reply.
EVENING HATCH is fly shop on Rt. 940 between White Haven and Blakeslee, Carbon Co.

The Evening Hatch Fly Shop
I don't know about their website. I called them yesterday and they said that they are open for business.
There is a google review from 2 months ago and google still shows it as open. My guess is that they have a website but fail to monitor or update it.

Which in this day, is foolish.
Letort wrote:
There is a google review from 2 months ago and google still shows it as open. My guess is that they have a website but fail to monitor or update it.

Which in this day, is foolish.
Which in this day is common...

...especially if they have Facebook presence which is a poor substitute for a good website...
I found I had 10X more traffic on my business facebook page than I ever had on my website. In fairness I never really pushed the website once the facebook page took off. Facebook is so much easier for the novice computer person to work with. Anyhow, I rarely check for websites before I look on FB. But I am an old fogy.
Very interesting info in just a few responses from you guys ! I would have thought a jazzy website would be a necessity in the current retail landscape (virus or not). Biggie's numbers are really surprising. I had no idea Facebook was such a factor. One facet of their website which I miss is stream reports since I frequently fish waters near their shop. I hope they are not paying anybody to maintain the site since it has gone nowhere fast.
They've always been slow to update their website but it's been worse the past year. There have been some deaths in the shop family the past few years. I believe there is only one owner left now....go spend money there so they don't close shop.
I don’t facebook, if that is the only site the company has, I don’t do business with them. Companies I do business with have their own website, why do I need to logon to facebook to do business with you. Logging on to facebook means I must get a facebook account and give facebook information. Why should I give up information, to factbook, to do business with a company?
GeneBeam wrote:
Why should I give up information, to factbook, to do business with a company?

Ever hear of "cookies"? It's virtually impossible to be active in the modern-day digital world without having information collected about you. From cell providers to grocery stores, they're all tracking info about you...
Ever hear of "cookies"? It's virtually impossible to be active in the modern-day digital world without having information collected about you. From cell providers to grocery stores, they're all tracking info about you...

I have my web browser set\locked down, that only a very few websites can set cookies and no 3rd party cookies and even then, it is set to clear all cookies when I leave the site. Also, I clear history and cookies every day or two just in case anything get thru. I also don’t do banking over my computer and I use cash when I shop in person or a credit card, never a debit card.
If a company site, ask for an email address I must have 5 throw away email address set up that deletes anything that come into that address. If they ask for a birthday I give them 11/11/1918.
Very sorry to hear about deaths in ownership family. I've patronized them since they first opened in older building on 940 much closer to turnpike. I remember how the township L & I made them jump thru hoops regarding their sign in front of new shop. Always found them friendly and willing to talk about any topic, fishing or otherwise. They have a nice selection of tying material, especially natural stuff. I believe in shopping small and local and will continue at the Evening Hatch, website or not.
Evening Hatch, never found them co-operative. However, a real good 4. Kettle Creek Fly Shop, Indiana Angler,Woody, Indiana Pa. Spruce Creek, Allen Bright, Spruce Creek Pa. and Ausable 2, Wilmington N. Y.

If you are from my area, Uncle Joe's Woodshed, Lock Haven and Blue Heron, Milton!

If you get to Kettle Creek and you are a fly tyer. Make sure you are ready for all that awaits you. Vast goods of every kind!

Allen can put you on fish at Spruce Creek and Woody at Indiana will treat you like a king,

Ausable 2, Wilmington N. Y. Well, let's just say, you need to get there sometime! Now, you can fool around in Lake Placid or fish around in Wilmington. I trust your judgement!

Gene Beam might be an alias for Jason Bourne !! I used to worry about my information being “ out there “ but I figured the Russian, Chinese and US governments all have it anyway... ????
Gene Beam might be an alias for Jason Bourne !! I used to worry about my information being “ out there “ but I figured the Russian, Chinese and US governments all have it anyway... ????

The reason I worry about my information being “ out there “ is because I had my ID stolen, back in the mid-1990s and it took me over 15 years and $7,000 to get it straighten out. Because it happened in the 1990s, before it became fashionable to have your ID stolen no one cared about it but me & my credit rating. So, yes, I don’t what that to happen again.
Biggie wrote:
I found I had 10X more traffic on my business facebook page than I ever had on my website. In fairness I never really pushed the website once the facebook page took off. Facebook is so much easier for the novice computer person to work with. Anyhow, I rarely check for websites before I look on FB. But I am an old fogy.
Wow thats funny. I'm an old dirt and I can't stand facebook. I never look there to do business. I got in the habit of looking for websites before FB was around and never changed. Whatever floats your boat but I'm not gonna find you if you're only on FB.
You guys are all too young. I do not do facebook. I do not have an intrusive cell phone. I do look at a couple of fly shop websites. But, what I really like to have is a fly shop's catalog. Sadly (for me and maybe a few other old fogies) many fly shops no longer send out a catalog. I saved my last Flyfisher's Paradise catalog, but even FP no longer sends one out. I think the only real fly shop that sent me a catalog this year was The Fly Shop from Redding, CA.

As a 70-year-old "dinosaur," I am thankful that I already possess most of the gear and fly tying stuff I will need in my declining years.

For me to order anything online, I have to get my wife or my granddaughter to pretty much do it for me.

Now, when I need stuff, I try to visit a fly shop in person to come up with the stuff I need. (Not far from home, I discovered Holsinger's Fly Shop this spring. It has "only" been in operation for TEN years!)

I guess I really am out of today's modern fly-fishing scene. Oh, well....
I still get a catalog from Feather Craft. I used to get a lot more, but if you don't order from them, after a while they stop sending them, which makes sense.
I might qualify my last response. My business was in the custom furniture and home decor and craft store. So most of my customers involved the women of the house and everyone knows FB is where they would share info about something they saw on there. Also on FB you could get realtime questions answered. It was great but now I'm retired and learning to tie flies..