Euro Nymphing



Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Doylestown Pa.
This is for you Euro Nymphing guys
Sweet vid bead man... Thanks
Tued up two long-line leaders one in chartreuse and one in fluorescent orange. Which one do you guys like?


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Both. Put them together so you see both in certain situations.

If you are selling these you should really know what your products do and the benefits they provide. No one wants to change leaders for different light situations. Provide a leader that does it all.
Not exactly sure what you mean Sbecker, Ive fished both leaders interchangeably, and I havent had any problems seeing them. Both are excellent leaders that I have landed many large trout on. The color options are to correspond with the most popular fly line colors and very little to do with visibility. Also, I would never offer a product to my customers that I didnt feel was satisfactory and I dont appreciate you undermining my product without ever having one in your hands. Please keep your ridicule to yourself.
DyberryBrookies wrote:
The color options are to correspond with the most popular fly line colors and very little to do with visibility.

Huh? I am not sure what your point is in asking which ones we like then. Other then to peddle your product and make it known you are selling them.

I asked people for their color preference on two leaders I tied up. How did that turn into me not knowing my products or what benefits they provide? I never said or suggested that people should buy them, use them, or should look at them elsewhere other than on this site. Therefore I was not peddling, as you are accusing me of doing. I am not sure why you feel the need to devalue my product and defame me but I would appreciate it if you could stop. As for the leaders, they are made of semi-translucent line. They are not opaque and they are not translucent. Kinda the best of both worlds. There is 25 years of flyfishing experience that has gone into the development of those leaders. While I was not trying to peddle my products I do feel the need to explain their benefits and prove that I do know them very well.

The only point to have colored leaders is for sight. If you are selling leaders because of the cool looking factor you are missing the point I believe.
The lines are fluorescent green and orange how could you possibly miss that coming down the river other than in the most extreme conditions where you would have difficulty seeing any monofilament line. If you dont think I know about Jan Simon or using backing for sighters, or of the fancy coils that are being sold you are dead wrong. I know the point you are making comes directly out of Aaron Jaspers EU nymphing video. He discusses opacity and translucency and you sound like a tape recording of him. As I indicated the lines I use are semi-translucent, the best of both worlds for a EU long-line leader being used under most conditions. That being said we are on a EU nymphing thread I think it goes without saying that seeing the indicator is an obvious necessity which is why I asked people which color they liked. Lastly, why is two cool color options a bad thing? I thought people would enjoy being able to match fly lines and leader.
Aaron who? Never heard of him.
I am truly sorry to hear that. Maybe you know George Daniels...Dynamic Nymphing uses semi-translucent mono for his coils.
Anyway, please stop finding fault with what Im doing and go do some fishing or at least be constructive while you're on here.
O yea that George guy is from Pa I believe. What's this coil thing you're speaking of?
Hey you teach children so why not act like one right? In the meantime I have 30 credits towards a masters in biochem and I have a flyshop that
Id like to start! Cheers!
I don't have a dog in the fight but IMO Shane you need to stop playing dumb. I know better and so do you.
Yea, cool it e'er'body.
Vigilantism isn't looked kindly on.
Guess there is nothing else to do on rainy days but pick meaningless fights with people! Yahoo for Mr. PreK
OK, is that enough now?
Yeah, my apologies JackM!
Watched the video and almost didn't make it past the beginning. The beginning of that video is brutal. After that the video was very good and very informative, delivered by a guy who seemed to be a subject matter expert.

I'm am glad I watched it since I was going to explore this style which would have started with me asking silly question after silly question on this forum. After watching the video it became very apparent that this is not something I want to waste my time with. It seems to me that its nothing more then an adaptation of that japenese system involving a fancy cane pole.

If it matters I like brightly colored neckties so I would pick the orange leader.