


Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Hey, I just realized/learned a neat feature of the site. In the upper left corner above the Forum topics is a drop down menu called Main Options or from individual Forum postsForum Options. If you click or hover it...depending on how you have it set, you can select to display NEW POSTS, RECENT POSTS, and several other options that may be helpful or more efficient for you as a user.

I know for me when I come to the board, I can see each forum and the ones with new posts...which is great but clicking back and forthe, to bottom, and then to top, jumping from forum to forum is time consuming. Using the "new posts" feature I can just scrool down to the last time I was on and read the posts up.

The caveat is you have to sort of remember what the topic was about to comprehend the comments made by the posters. There is no way (to my knowledge ) to access the thread using the New Posts feature. If you wanted to know more or waht was said earlier you would have to go to the correct forum and find the thread. It would be at the top...or near there.

Anyway, It tickled my fancy...How many have been doing this for a while?

Maurice, I never noticed that, but in checking it out, I learned if you see a post and want to navigate to it as it is threaded in the topic, you can click on the post number to the right, for instance, if you are viewing this in the "New Posts" mode, click the (for instance) "#1" to the right of my post.

Now, is there any chance of getting the threads to disply the newest posts at the top, rather than the bottom as appears in the "New Posts" mode?
Neat. Listen while we're on navigation, what does the trnasfer button do?
This is what comes up in a new window when you click the transfer button.

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JackM wrote:

Now, is there any chance of getting the threads to disply the newest posts at the top, rather than the bottom as appears in the "New Posts" mode?

Click edit account on the left. Then scroll down to Comments Sort Order. Click arrow, then click newest first. That should set the site to show the new post first going to the oldest.
Apropos of nothing in particular, but I remember a Stooges episode where they were dressed in Roman togas and Larry had a sudden idea about something or another and he raised his finger to the sky and exclaimed "Eureka!"

Whereupon Moe grabbed Larry's nose and began to twist it forcefully , telling him:

"Oh yeah? Well, you don't smell so good either!"

Just wanted to share that...
live2fish wrote:
JackM wrote:

Now, is there any chance of getting the threads to disply the newest posts at the top, rather than the bottom as appears in the "New Posts" mode?

Click edit account on the left. Then scroll down to Comments Sort Order. Click arrow, then click newest first. That should set the site to show the new post first going to the oldest.

Been there, done that, since the new site opened it hasn't worked. The only way I've been able to display newest first is to set that parameter using the view mode drop-down. Problem is, when you go to a new thread, it resets to oldest first.

Are you saying that this works for you? Maybe the problem is with me and me alone!?
RLeeP wrote:
Apropos of nothing in particular, but I remember a Stooges episode where they were dressed in Roman togas and Larry had a sudden idea about something or another and he raised his finger to the sky and exclaimed "Eureka!"

Whereupon Moe grabbed Larry's nose and began to twist it forcefully , telling him:

"Oh yeah? Well, you don't smell so good either!"

Just wanted to share that...

Cept in this scenario Moe exclaims EUREKA, Jack and Coughlin grab his nose and twist....oh forget it.... it was funnier after I read your post.
JackM wrote:
live2fish wrote:
JackM wrote:

Now, is there any chance of getting the threads to disply the newest posts at the top, rather than the bottom as appears in the "New Posts" mode?

Click edit account on the left. Then scroll down to Comments Sort Order. Click arrow, then click newest first. That should set the site to show the new post first going to the oldest.

Been there, done that, since the new site opened it hasn't worked. The only way I've been able to display newest first is to set that parameter using the view mode drop-down. Problem is, when you go to a new thread, it resets to oldest first.

Are you saying that this works for you? Maybe the problem is with me and me alone!?

I should have checked to see that it worked before posting. I just checked and it don't work for me either. Sorry about that. Normally that is the way it should work.
live2fish wrote:

I should have checked to see that it worked before posting. I just checked and it don't work for me either. Sorry about that. Normally that is the way it should work.

In the words of Rosanne Rosanna Danna (Gilda Radner)from SNL
".... oh, then nevermind" :lol:

Seriously should work and someday it most other kooky quirks with the board, they come along slowly.
